In the thesis, I reasercher the attitudes of parents of preschool children towards reading badges inthe kindergarten. In the teoretical part, I first described the beaginnings od the readig badge in Slovenia and the beaginnings of the preschool reading badge. I described the puspose of the reading badge, its organization and the progress od the reading badge project. I presented the creation of listsof recommended books and the limits od the educator´s autonomy in compiling the list. I defined energing literaciy and family reading in conjunction with the reading badge. I have set out guidelines thet we need to pay attention to when choosing quality texts for young readers. I described how we can envolove parents and why they are an important part od the reading badge project in the kondergarten. However, since I an researching the dield of preschool education, I have described the curriculum area of language in connestion with the reading badge, since the activities in the kindergarten are guided preciskey by the Curriculum od Kindergatens.
With the help of a questionnaire for parents, I reaserch the attitudes of parents towards the reading badge in kindergarten, the importance of the reading badge in the kintergarten by parents and the attitude od parents towards reading with their child in general. The results showed that most parents consider the preschool reading bage to be importante for their child´s development, especially for speech-language development. Most parents love to read with their children and family reading or reading for a reading badge dose not represent an additional obligation during the day. A third of the parents surveyed said their child is doing the reading badge because it is done by other children in the group.