The supply chain plays a key role in ensuring competitiveness in the marketplace today.
Globalisation and the rapid development of information technology have had a major impact
on supply chains around the world over the last two decades. Chains are becoming longer
and more complex, leading to increasing risks. At the same time, an enormous amount of
data is being generated within supply chains. Good supply chain management is essential
for successful business. Companies around the world have started to realise this and are
devoting more and more time to supply chain management.
In the theoretical part, we explained what the supply chain is, presented the links in the
supply chain, types of chains, chain management and risk.
In the second part, we conducted an interview explaining Proplace's supply chain and
processes and comparing risks in theory and risks in the company.
We found out that day-to-day information management is essential for the success of the
chain. The mutual cooperation of all stakeholders in the chain is essential for the success of
the company, as this is the only way to compete in the global market. The company faces
risks that threaten the printed circuit board industry on a global scale.