
Določanje genotipske pestrosti gliv iz rodu Fomes v Sloveniji
ID Debevec, David (Author), ID Humar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Grebenc, Tine (Comentor)

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Genski kompleks Fomes fomentarius sensu lato v grobem sestavljata dve genski liniji in sicer linija A ali Fomes fomentarius sensu stricto, ki se deli na liniji A1 in A2 in linija B ali Fomes inzengae, ki se deli na liniji B1 in B2. Genetske linije tega kompleksa je zgolj na podlagi morfoloških lastnosti med seboj praktično nemogoče razločiti, a jih lahko s primerjavo zaporedij ITS regije, ki je pogosto uporabljen genski marker za glive, enostavno ločimo. Z namenom identifikacije genetskih linij omenjenega kompleksa v Sloveniji smo z naključnim vzorčenjem nabrali trosnjake, izolirali micelij v čisti kulturi in z metodo analize DNA jedrne ITS regije in regije tef1 pridobili nukleotidna zaporedja celotne ITS regije in dela tef1 regije. S primerjavo dobljenih nukleotidnih zaporedij s področja Slovenije smo potrdili prisotnost genetskih linij A2 in B2. Z izrisom vzorčnih lokacij smo ugotovili, da se obe v Sloveniji prisotni genetski liniji pojavljata brez značilnega vzorca razporejanja in da sta obe prisotni na vseh področjih vzorčenja. Dobljeni rezultati so skladni z dostopnimi rezultati iz literature, kjer za področje Evrope ugotavljajo prisotnost obeh linij, brez značilnega geografskega vzorca pojavljanja.

Keywords:Filogenija, Fomes (kresilke), ITS, TEF1α, Slovenija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159665 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202202115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Assessing the genotypic diversity of fungi from the genus Fomes in Slovenia
The gene complex Fomes fomentarius sensu lato consists of two major genetic lineages, namely line A also named Fomes fomentarius sensu stricto, which is divided into lineages A1 and A2, and lineage B or Fomes inzengae, which is divided into lineages B1 and B2. It is highly unlikely that these lineages can be distinguished solely on the basis of morphological characteristics alone, but comparing the sequences of the ITS region, which is a commonly used genetic marker for fungi, offers a simple and reliable way of genetic identification. So as to identify the genetic lineages of the mentioned complex in Slovenia, we isolated the mycelium of the purposely collected fruiting bodies in pure cultures and by DNA nuclear ITS region and tef1 region analysis method attained nucleotide sequences of a whole ITS region and partial tef1 region. Sequence comparison confirmed the presence of genetic lineages A2 and B2 in Slovenia. By plotting the sample locations, we ascertained that the genetic lineages present in Slovenia do not have a specific pattern of distribution and that they both appear all over each of the sampled area. Our results were consistent with those found in the literature, which are revealing the presence of both lineages in Europe with no distinct geographical distribution pattern.

Keywords:Phylogeny, Fomes, ITS, TEF1α, Slovenia

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