The end and the beginning of a narrative are among the so-called strong positions of a text, because in a coherent literary system of a text the beginnings lead to the endings and the endings determine how the beginnings are to be understood. The strong positions of a text are those passages that are unique nodes of meaning and style and, because of their position, are incredibly important for understanding the text as a whole. In the selected novels, the beginnings and endings of the narratives are at least contextually, if not structurally, connected. The interconnectedness of the beginnings and endings of the narratives of the selected novels thus rounds out the novel into a convincing whole and can have a calming and satisfying effect on the reader. The effect of the coherence of the beginnings and endings of the narratives was observed in five selected novels dealing with the war and (with the exception of one novel) with the dissolution of the SFRY, namely Vitomil Zupan's Menuet za kitaro, and among the contemporary novels Sebastijan Pregelj's V Elvisovi sobi, Da me je strah? by Maruša Krese, Ime mi je Sarajevo by Adriana Kuči and Kot da me ni by Slavenka Drakulić.