
Rentgensko sipanje in simulacije molekulske dinamike delno fluoriranega propanola
ID Kovač, Jure (Avtor), ID Tomšič, Matija (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Per- in polifluoroalkilne spojine (PFAS) se zaradi kemijske inertnosti in relativno obsežne uporabe akumulirajo v okolju in v organizmih, to pa pri slednjih lahko povzroča resne zdravstvene težave. Med PFAS spadajo tudi fluorirani alkoholi, ki imajo drugačne strukturne lastnosti kot analogni nefluorirani alkoholi. V okviru magistrskega dela smo izmerili ozko-in-širokokotno rentgensko sipanje tekočega 3,3,3-trifluoropropan-1-ola in izvedli simulacije molekulske dinamike modelnega fluoriranega alkohola s šestimi različnimi polji sil (AMBER, CHARMM, GROMOS-AA, GROMOS-UA, OPLS in TraPPE). Iz rezultatov simulacij smo z metodo dopolnjenega sistema izračunali rentgensko sipanje in rezultate primerjali z eksperimentalno funkcijo sipanja. Položaj vrha v eksperimentalni sipalni krivulji sta najbolje opisala modela TraPPE in OPLS, najslabše pa obe inačici modela GROMOS. Na osnovi izračunanih delnih prispevkov sipanja k teoretičnim sipalnim krivuljam smo ugotovili, da je za položaj sipalnega vrha pretežno odgovorna povprečna razdalja med polifluoroalkilnimi verigami v hidrofobnih delih tekočine. Gostoto realnega sistema sta najbolje opisala modela AMBER in TraPPE, najslabše pa GROMOS-AA. Iz radialnih parskih porazdelitvenih funkcij smo opazili, da kaže model TraPPE večjo tendenco molekul po tvorbi vodikovih vezi kot model OPLS, pri modelih GROMOS-AA in -UA pa je ta še večja. Na osnovi intermolekularnih prostorskih porazdelitvenih funkcij smo ugotovili, da kažeta modela GROMOS bolj usmerjeno povezovanje molekul z vodikovimi vezmi kot ostali modeli, to povezovanje pa je usmerjeno tudi v modelu TraPPE in v modelu OPLS. Iz intramolekularnih prostorskih porazdelitvenih funkcij ter porazdelitve vrednosti razdalje od-konca-do-konca molekule smo opazili, da so modelne molekule v modelu TraPPE bolj fleksibilne in bolj kompaktne kot v modelu OPLS. Slednji kaže najbolj toge in najmanj kompaktne molekule izmed preizkušenih modelov. Iz porazdelitev velikosti molekulskih agregatov smo opazili, da modeli OPLS, CHARMM in AMBER kažejo večjo tendenco po tvorbi manjših in modeli TraPPE, GROMOS-AA in -UA večjih linearnih agregatov. V vseh modelnih sistemih so bili ciklični agregati iz petih molekul najpogostejši, z izjemo modela GROMOS-AA, kjer so bili najpogostejši 9-molekulski ciklični agregati.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:molekulska dinamika, SWAXS, metoda dopolnjenega sistema, PFAS, 3, 3, 3-trifluoropropan-1-ol
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FKKT - Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-159150 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:202774019 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:02.07.2024
Število ogledov:156
Število prenosov:38
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:X-Ray Scattering and Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Partially Fluorinated Propanol
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFAS) accumulate in the environment and organisms due to their chemical inertness and widespread use, leading to serious health problems. PFAS include fluorinated alcohols, which have different structural properties than their non-fluorinated analogues. In the framework of this Master’s thesis, we measured the small-and-wide-angle X-ray scattering of liquid 3,3,3-trifluoropropan-1-ol and performed molecular dynamics simulations of this model liquid fluorinated alcohol using six different force fields (AMBER, CHARMM, GROMOS-AA, GROMOS-UA, OPLS and TraPPE). From the simulation results, theoretical X-ray scattering intensities were calculated using the complement system approach and compared with the experimental data. The TraPPE and OPLS models best described the scattering peak position, while the GROMOS models performed the worst. From the calculated theoretical partial scattering, we found that the average distance between the polyfluoroalkyl chains in the hydrophobic parts of the liquid is mostly responsible for the position of the overall scattering peak. The density of the real system was best described by the AMBER and TraPPE models, and worst by GROMOS-AA. From the radial pair distribution functions, we observed that the TraPPE model shows a higher tendency toward hydrogen bonding than the OPLS model, and the GROMOS models show a higher tendency of model molecules toward hydrogen bonding than all the other models used. Based on the intermolecular spatial distribution functions, we found that the GROMOS models show a significantly more spatialy directed hydrogen bonding than the others, and that hydrogen bonding is also spatialy directed in the TraPPE model and in the OPLS model. From the intramolecular spatial distribution functions and the end-to-end distance distribution of the molecule, we observed that the model molecules in the TraPPE model are more flexible and more compact than in the OPLS model. The latter shows the most rigid and least compact molecules out of the models tested. From the size distributions of the molecular aggregates, we observed that the OPLS, CHARMM and AMBER models show a greater probability for shorter, and the TraPPE, GROMOS-AA and -UA models for longer linear aggregates. In all model systems, cyclic aggregates of 5 molecules were the most common, with the exception of the GROMOS-AA model, where 9-molecule cyclic aggregates were the most common.

Ključne besede:molecular dynamics, SWAXS, complement system approach, PFAS, 3, 3, 3-trifluoropropan-1-ol

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