Although we have more information today than ever before, some promising new technologies are hard to
imagine. The motivation to research this topic and write a thesis on it comes from a personal approach to
understanding different types of security attacks and upcoming technologies.
The aim of the diploma work is to present the development of mobile networks and new information and
communication technologies and, in parallel, their security challenges. The beginning of the content is in
the second chapter, where I wrote about the development of security attacks and challenges, historically
from 1G to 6G. At the same time, the concept of 6G and security is widely presented. The third chapter
presents new information and communication technologies within the framework of 6G, which is linked
to the fourth chapter, which deals with specific attacks on each of these technologies. Next, new
information and communication technologies that develop cohesively with 6G and support its
development are presented, including their security challenges and potential attacks.