The purpose of the thesis is to determine to what extent and how winegrowers in White Carniola perceive climate change in their vineyards. For this purpose, I prepared a survey in which winegrowers shared their perceptions. I analysed the responses and presented them in text and with graphs. In addition to the survey responses, the thesis also incorporates relevant literature on White Carniola, through which I present the natural geographical characteristics of the study area, which significantly influence viticulture. I find that White Carniola has favourable natural predispositions for viticulture with a specific type of temperate continental climate. The peculiarity or characteristic is monthly and annual precipitation deviations from the long-term average. Grape growers in the survey responded that they in one way or another perceive changes in the climate. They mention changes in the distribution of rainfall over the year, in temperatures, and in the climate. These changes have also led to more frequent occurrences of vine diseases, changes in soil quality, delays in phenological phases, grape quality, and economic changes in wine production and sales.