Slovenia is a country that, despite its small size is known for its great diversity in nature. This diversity extends to precipitation, which varies significantly in both space and time, and has a notable impact on the environment, economy and consequently, society. Due to the influence of climate change, the pattern of rainfall variability has begun to change in recent years. My aim was to investigate these changes. The primary objective of the thesis was to compare the differences in the variability of annual precipitation between the periods 1961–1990 and 1991–2020 by calculating the mean annual variability of precipitation. By selecting a representative sample of stations I created an interpolated display of the annual precipitation variability for both periods and found significant differences between them. A positive trend in the variability of annual precipitation was observed throughout the country, except in the east. The increased variability of precipitation in western Slovenia can be interpreted as a consequence of the increasingly pronounced Mediterranean characteristics of the climate in that region.