Topics and questions about animal welfare are being increasingly treated as an important subject in our society. We often come in contact with animals and can greatly influence the welfare of this animals, so education in this area is important. To recognize possibilities of including animal welfare topics in school lessons, an analysis of primary and secondary school life science curriculums has been made. Selected curriculum objectives were linked with topics about animal welfare. We recognized the possibilities of including contents of animal welfare when presenting the importance of biological knowledge, in sections related to research and experiments (presentation of research related to animal welfare), genetics and evolution (examples of mutations in some farmed animals, extreme characteristics as a result of artificial selection (rapid and increased growth of broiler chickens, brachycephalic breeds of companion animals) and ecology (presentation of animals from the local environment, how to act when you come into contact with free-livnig animals). Many curriculum objectives focus on human impact on the environment and here the impact on animal welfare can also be included. Animal welfare topics can also be linked with curriculum objectives that focus on diet (presenting diet that includes less or no animal products, food labels related to animal welfare, food safety). When introducing this topic, we think it is important to present the ways in which students can improve the welfare of animals. Societies focusing on different groups of animals can help teachers when presenting animal welfare topics (as a reliable source of information or as guests at school).