
Primerjava poškodb po troposferskem ozonu na naravni vegetaciji in izbrani indikatorski rastlini : diplomsko delo - univerzitetni študij
ID Kajdiž, Petra (Avtor), ID Batič, Franc (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: 9A1BDAC168EFE5C62372B13676B6B011
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2950405a-4321-4f87-ad3a-800aa53a8f37

Diplomsko delo obravnava dva poskusa sledenja ucinkov troposferskega ozona na vegetaciji. Prvi je potekal v sklopu mednarodnega programa ICP Vegetation v vegetacijski sezoni 2008, od julija do septembra na vrtu BF. Ozonske poškodbe so bile opazovane na odpornih in obcutljivih genotipih rastlin navadnega nizkega fižola (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Naravnim razmeram je bilo izpostavljenih deset loncev z rastlinami odpornega in deset z rastlinami obcutljivega genotipa. Zasnova poskusa, spremljanje poškodb listov, beleženje pridelka ter spremljanje ozonskih koncentracij in meteoroloških parametrov je potekalo v skladu s protokolom ICP Vegetation. Postavljena je bila domneva, dabodo poškodbe listov na ozon obcutljivega genotipa vecje, njihovo odmiranje zgodnejše, pridelek pa manjši. Rezultati so domnevo potrdili. Drugi del poskusa je potekal na ploskvah intenzivnega monitoringa gozdov v sklopu programa ICP-Forest, ki ga v Sloveniji izvaja Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, kjer so bile opazovane ozonske poškodbe na listih dreves gozdne vegetacije. Meteorološki podatki za ploskve so od Agencije Republike Slovenije za okolje in avtomatskih vzorcevalnikov. Predvidena je bila vecja poškodovanost na ozon obcutljivih drevesnih vrst in vecje poškodbe na tistih obmocjih, kjer so v bližini vecji viri predhodnikov ozona ali njihov daljinski vnos. Vecje ozonskepoškodbe so bile pricakovane na obmocjih, kjer so za nastanek troposferskega ozona in poškodb na rastlinah primerne klimatske razmere. Rezultati opazovanj so tudi to domnevo potrdili. Znacilne so bile tudi manjše poškodbe v predelih z visokimi zracnimi temperaturami, majhno vlažnostjo in velikimi koncentracijami ozona, saj je v takih razmerah vnos ozona v rastline zaradi zaprtih listnih rež onemogocen.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:ozon, ozonske poškodbe, bioindikatorske rastline, navadni fižol, gozdna vegetacija
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[P. Kajdiž]
Leto izida:2009
Št. strani:X, 59 str.+pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-15800 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:2450854 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:11.07.2014
Število ogledov:1767
Število prenosov:398
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Neznan jezik
This diploma thesis deals with two experiments tracking the effects of the tropospheric ozone on vegetation. The first experiment was part of the international project ICP Vegetation in the vegetation season 2008, from July to September in the garden of the Biotechnical Faculty. We observed ozone caused damages to ozone-resistant and ozone-sensitive genotypes of the plants known as the lowgrowing common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). We exposed 10 pots containing the ozone-resistant genotype and 10 containing the ozone-sensitive genotype to natural conditions. The concept of the experiment,the monitoring of the damages to the leaves, the recording of the harvest, the monitoring of the ozone concentration and meteorological parameters were all in accordance with the ICP Vegetation protocol. We assumed that the damages to the leaves of the ozone-sensitive genotype will be greater, their withering premature and their harvest smaller. The results confirmed our assumption. The second part of the experiment took place on the intensive forest monitoring plots as part of the programme ICP-Forest, which is conducted in Slovenia by the Slovenian Forestry Institute, and in this part we observed the ozone-caused damages to the leaves of the trees that are part of the forest vegetation. We also collected the meteorological data for the plots with the help of the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia and autosamplers. We predicted that ozone-sensitive tree species will suffer more damage and greater damages will occur on those areas where there are either larger sources of ozone precursors in the proximity or a long range air pollutant input. We expected larger damages caused by the ozone in the areas where there are suitable climate conditions for the formation of the tropospheric ozone and damages to plants. The results of our observations confirmed this assumption as well. Smaller damages were also characteristic in the areas with high air temperatures, low humidity and high concentrations of ozone, since in such conditions the input of ozone into plants is disabled due to stomata being closed.

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