
Analiza kirurških preoblikovanj skafocefalije s 3D stereofotogrametrijo
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MD5: 7D077FAF63897438BED311D20488F962

Ozadje: Izolirana sagitalna kraniosinostoza (ISS) je prirojena lobanjska anomalija, ki povzroči značilno skafocefalično deformacije glave. Zaznamujejo jo biparietalna zožitev glave ter čelno in zatilno izbočenje. Zdravljenje je izključno kirurško. Ena izmed najbolj uveljavljenih kirurških tehnik je “H” tehnika po Renieru (RHT), pri kateri se napravijo biparietalne sprostitvene osteotomije. Bolj obsežna kirurška tehnika je preoblikovanje celotnega lobanjskega svoda (PCS), pri katerem aktivno preoblikujemo tudi čelno kost. Ocenjevanje estetskega izhoda po kirurškem zdravljenju ISS je zahtevno, saj temelji na subjektivni oceni preiskovalca ali pa na podlagi kraniometričnih meritev. Te se lahko izvaja s kaliprom, ali na podlagi tridimenzionalnih slik, ki se jih lahko pridobi ali z računalniško tomografijo (CT) ali za drugimi tehnikami, med katerimi ima zagotovo velik pomen 3D stereofotogrametrija. To je hitra, nizkocenovna in natančna tehnika pridobivanja tridimenzionalnih slik brez izpostavljanja otrok ionizirajočemu sevanju in splošni anesteziji. Metodo 3D stereofotogrametrije lahko uporabimo za ocenjevanje predoperativne deformacije glave in za pooperativno sledenje otrok. V naši študiji smo s tehniko 3D stereofotogrametrije primerjali estetski izhod dveh kirurških tehnik, RHT in PCS. Te rezultate smo primerjali tudi s kontrolno skupino normocefalnih otrok. Metode: Raziskava je bila retrospektivna. Meritve smo opravili v dveh skupinah otrok: skupina otrok po RHT in skupina otrok po PCS. Ti dve skupini smo primerjali s tretjo skupino, ki so jo sestavljali normocefalni otroci, brez diagnoze ISS. Vključeni so bili otroci, ki so bili operirani zaradi ISS od aprila 2015 do septembra 2020 in ki so bili pri operaciji stari med tri in dvanajst mesecev. Vsi otroci so imeli 3D stereofotogrametrijo opravljeno med prvim in drugim letom starosti in vsaj tri mesece po posegu. Na 3D slikah smo označili oba tragusa (T), nasion (N), točko med obema tragusoma (M), ravnino med točkami T-N-T (ravnina-0) ter točko na verteksu (V). Ravnino-0 smo paralelno pomaknili navzgor do stičišča z opistokraniumom. V tej ravnini, ki najbolj upošteva deformacijo lobanje oziroma čelno izbočenje, smo izmerili kranialni indeks (KI). Poleg KI smo izmerili tudi sagitalni obseg, koronarni obseg, koronarni-sagitalni indeks (KSI: koronarni obseg/sagitalni obseg), koronarni cirkumferentni indeks (KCI: razdalja T-T/koronarna cirkumferenca) in verteksni višinski indeks (VVI: razdalja T-T/razdalja M-V). Rezultati: V vsako od treh skupin (RHT, TVR, kontrolna skupina) je bilo vključenih 28 otrok. Na vsaki sliki smo opravili šest meritev. Statistična analiza je pokazala statistično značilno razliko med dvema skupinama operiranih otrok za vrednosti KI (p=0,011) in za sagitalni obseg (p=0,008). Obe meritvi sta vrednotili čelno izbočenje. Vrednosti so bile po posegu PCS, pri katerem smo preoblikovali tudi čelno kost, bližje normocefalnim vrednostim v primerjavi s posegom RHT. Neznačilne statistične razlike so bile dokazane za meritve, ki so ocenjevale biparietalno razširitev po obeh posegih, oziroma za KSI (p=0,649), KCI (p=1) in VVI (p=0,087). Vrednosti koronarnega obsega se med skupinami preiskovancev niso statistično značilno razlikovale. Sklepi: Kljub temu, da ostaja v svetu jasno nesoglasje glede idealne kirurške tehnike za zdravljenje ISS, naši rezultati kažejo, da sta KI in sagitalni obseg po operaciji PCS boljša v primerjavi z rezultati po operaciji RHT in bližji vrednostim normocefalnih otrok. Vrednosti indeksov KCI, KSI in VVI se med dvema kirurškima tehnikama niso razlikovale, kar dokazuje, da obe tehniki omogočata učinkovito in enakovredno biparietalno razširitev oziroma ekspanzijo. Ker predstavlja čelno izbočenje pomembno in vidno deformacijo pri otrocih z ISS, je pomembno in smiselno, da se kirurško zdravljenje usmeri tudi v korekcijo te značilne deformacije. V tem smislu predstavlja tehnika PCS nedvomno učinkovito metodo. Večja invazivnost posega PCS v primerjavi s posegom RHT se v naši študiji ni odražala v večjem številu zapletov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Kraniosinostoza, znotrajlobanjski tlak, 3D stereofotogrametrija, skafocefalija, izolirana sagitalna kraniosinostoza, čelno izbočenje, kranialni indeks.
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:MF - Medicinska fakulteta
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-156271 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:17.05.2024
Število ogledov:306
Število prenosov:162
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Analysis of scaphocephaly remodelling with 3D stereophotogrammetry
Introduction: Isolated sagittal craniosynostosis (ISS) is a congenital cranial anomaly, that results in a characteristic scaphocephalic deformity of the head. It is characterized by a biparietal narrowing of the head and a frontal and occipital bossing. The treatment is exclusively surgical. One of the most established surgical techniques is the Renier 'H' technique (RHT), in which biparietal releasing osteotomies are performed. A more extensive surgical technique is the so-called total vault remodeling (TVR), in which also the frontal bone is actively reshaped. The evaluation of the esthetical outcome of surgical treatment of ISS is difficult and is based on the subjective judgment of the examinator. Alternatively, craniometric measurements can be performed based on the use of calipers or on 3D images, which can be done by means of computerized tomography or 3D stereophotogrammetry. 3D stereophotogrammetry is a fast, low-cost and accurate technique for obtaining three-dimensional images without exposing children to ionizing radiation and general anesthesia. 3D stereophotogrammetry can be used to assess preoperative head deformity and for postoperative follow-up. Methods: The study was retrospective. Measurements were performed in two groups of children: one group of children after RHT and one group of children after TVR. These two groups were compared with a third group of normocephalic children without ISS. Children who underwent surgery for ISS between April 2015 and September 2020 and who were between 12 and 24 months of age at the time of surgery, were included. All children had 3D stereophotogrammetric scanning performed between the first and second year of age and at least three months after surgery. On the 3D images we marked the two tragus (T), the nasion (N), the point between the two tragus (M), the plane between the points T-N-T (plane-0) and the point on the vertex (V). The plane-0 was shifted up to the junction with the opisthocranion. In this plane, which is the most sensitive to the characteristic frontal and occipital bossing, we measured the cranial index (CI). In addition to the CI, we also measured the sagittal circumference, coronal circumference, coronal-sagittal index (CSI: coronal length/sagittal lenght), coronal circumferential index (CCI: distance T-T/coronal length) and vertex height index (VHI: distance T-T/distance M-V). Results: Each of the three groups (RHT, TVR, control group) included 28 children. Six measurements were performed on each 3D image. The statistical analysis showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups of operated children for CI (p=0.011) and for sagittal circumference (p=0.008). Both metrics evaluated frontal convexity and their values were closer to normocephaly after the PCS procedure, in which the frontal bone was reshaped, compared to the RHT procedure. Non-significant statistical differences were demonstrated for the measures evaluating biparietal extension after both procedures, respectively for CSI (p=0.649), CCI (p=1) and VHI (p=0.087). Coronary circumference values were not statistically significantly different between the groups of operated children. Conclusion: Although there is no consensus regarding the ideal surgical technique for ISS, our results show that CI and sagittal circumference after PCS are better, compared to those after RHT and closer to those of normocephalic children. The values of CSI, CCI and VHI did not differ between the two surgical techniques, demonstrating that both techniques allow an effective and equivalent biparietal remodeling and expansion. As frontal bulging represents an important and prominent deformity in children with ISS, it is important and reasonable that surgical treatment should also be directed towards the correction of this characteristic deformity. In this context, the PCS technique is undoubtedly an effective method.

Ključne besede:Craniosynostosis, intracranial pressure, 3D stereophotogrammetry, scaphocephaly, isolated sagittal craniosynostosis, frontal convexity, cranial index.

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