The main goal of the master's thesis was to determine the effects o fan exercise program on pain, mobility and strength in an individual with pain on the outer side of the elbow. Tennis elbow is a condition where pain occurs on the outer side of the elbow and spreads along the wrist extensor muscles. The pain increases with wrist and finger extension and with activation of the supinator muscle group. It affects between 1% and 3% of the total population annually. We included a 49 year old male in the study. We developed a 12 week exercise program that included stretching and strengthening exercises, as well as some physiotherapeutic-kinesiological interventions. To verify the effects of the exercise program, we used pain assessment questionnaire, some mobility tests, some strength assessment test and some tests to check fort he presence of tennis elbow. The results showed that after completing the program, there was a reduction in elbow pain, as well as improved results in mobility and strength tests. The tests used to check for the presence of tennis elbow were negative at the end of the exercise program, and the individual also reported an absence of pain during daily activities. Individuals with a more pronounced presence of tennis elbow experience greater limitations in performing daily duties due to pain, thereby significantly reducing their quality of life. The findings of the master's thesis will thus be of assistance to anyone suffering from tennis elbow, as well as to professionals who lead their patients to improve tennis elbow symptoms through various therapies.