
ID Tončić, Jure (Author), ID Androjna, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glede na nevarnosti, ki pretijo ladjam v mednarodni oz. čezoceanski in tudi obalni plovbi, so poznavanje meteorologije, branje sinoptičnih zemljevidov ter razumevanja in pravočasno upoštevanja vremenskih napovedi bistvenega pomena. Zato morajo študenti navtike med študijem pridobiti temeljito razumevanje zapletene dinamike oceana, vključno z oceanskimi tokovi, plimovanjem, valovi in spremembami morske gladine. To znanje je ključnega pomena za varno plovbo in delovanje plovil v oceanu, saj lahko spremembe teh dejavnikov povzročijo nevarne razmere, ki lahko ogrozijo plovilo, njeno posadko, tovor in okolje. Zaradi specifike znanja in množice podatkov je ladja opremljena s priročniki, merilnimi inštrumenti in komunikacijskimi zvezami, iz katerih v vsakem trenutku pridobimo podatke za sprotno odločanje in varno vodenje plovbe. Pomorski častniki se morajo poleg razumevanja fizikalnih lastnosti oceana zavedati tudi vpliva meteoroloških sprememb na varnost plovbe. To vključuje razumevanje vremenskih vzorcev, smeri in hitrosti vetra ter vpliva neviht in orkanov. Meteorološke spremembe lahko povzročijo nevarne razmere na morju, kot so visoki valovi, močni tokovi in zmanjšana vidljivost, vse to pa lahko predstavlja veliko tveganje za varnost plovil in posadke. Spremembe zaznavajo le, če so usposobljeni, da teoretično znanje pretvorijo v izkušnje in z opazovanjem okolice pravočasno ugotovijo morebitne nevarnosti in se tem izognejo.

Keywords:Meteorologija, oceanografija, normativna ureditev, varnost plovbe, pojavi v ozračju, vremenska služba, izogibanje slabemu vremenu
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155769 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.04.2024
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Secondary language

Given the dangers that threaten ships in international or transoceanic as well as coastal navigation, knowledge of meteorology, reading synoptic maps, and understanding and timely implementation of weather forecasts are essential. Therefore, nautical science students must during their studies acquire a thorough understanding of the complex dynamics of the ocean, including ocean currents, tides, waves, and changes in mean sea level. This knowledge is essential for safe navigation and operation of vessels at sea, as changes in these factors can cause dangerous conditions that can endanger ships, its crew, cargo and the environment. Due to the specific knowledge and the amount of data required, the ship is equipped with manuals, measuring instruments, and communication networks from which we can obtain data at any time for timely decision-making and safe navigation. In addition to understanding the physical properties of the ocean, maritime officers must also be aware of the impact of meteorological changes on the safety of navigation. This includes understanding weather patterns, wind direction and speed, and the impact of storms and hurricanes. Meteorological changes can cause dangerous conditions at sea, such as high waves, strong currents, and reduced visibility, all of which can pose a great risk to the safety of the ship and its crew. Changes are only detected if the officers are trained to transfer their theoretical knowledge into experience and timely identify potential dangers by observing the surroundings and avoid dangerous ones.

Keywords:Meteorology, oceanography, regulatory bodies, safety of navigation, atmospheric phenomena, weather services, severe weather avoidance

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