
Stališča učiteljev in učencev 4. in 5. razreda osnovne šole o obravnavi teme samomora pri pouku književnosti : magistrsko delo
ID Flerin, Zala (Avtor), ID Saksida, Igor (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Samomor je eden izmed glavnih vzrokov smrti med mladostniki, težave v duševnem zdravju pa so med mladimi in otroci vse bolj pogoste. Raziskovalci pri tem opozarjajo na širši pojem samomorilnosti, ki vključuje tudi samomorilne misli in poskuse samomora. Pogovor o samomoru je kljub napačnemu prepričanju, da povečuje tveganje, pomemben dejavnik pri preprečevanju impulzivnih dejanj, in ne koristi le tistim, ki se soočajo s samomorilnimi mislimi, temveč je del celovite preventivne strategije. Učitelji imajo pri tem pomembno vlogo, saj lahko z učenci vzpostavljajo odnos in spodbujajo odprt pogovor, s čimer se zmanjša stigma in mlade spodbudi, da o svojih težavah spregovorijo. Mladinska problemska literatura se ukvarja s temami, ki so zahtevnejše, odpira krizne okoliščine, ki so za protagonista pogosto travmatične in močno vplivajo na njegovo življenje. Problemske teme v književnosti pa učiteljem lahko nudijo milejši uvod v pogovor o temah, ki so zahtevnejše in tudi za odrasle včasih neprijetne. Z različnimi metodami lahko učitelj uresničuje cilje pouka književnosti, pomaga zmanjšati stigmo in hkrati učencem nudi priložnost, da spregovorijo o svojih stiskah. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opisala pojav samomora in samomorilnosti med mladimi in na kakšen način je mogoče samomor preprečiti. Nato sem se posvetila mladinski književnosti, didaktiki mladinske književnosti in pozneje še problemski literaturi. V teh poglavjih sem pisala o značilnostih problemskega romana, problemski temi smrti v otroški in mladinski književnosti ter mladih kot bralcih problemske literature. Za konec sem izbrala tri pravljice, v katerih lahko najdemo temo smrti in samomora, ter opisala nekaj metod, ki bi nam pri pouku književnosti lahko pomagale obravnavati to tematiko. V empiričnem delu sem izvedla kvalitativno raziskavo, s katero sem želela dobiti boljši vpogled v stališča učiteljev in učencev 4. in 5. razreda osnovne šole do obravnave teme samomora pri pouku književnosti. Pri tem sem v ospredje postavila več vidikov, in sicer bralne navade učencev, izkušnje in stališča učencev in učiteljev do obravnave teme samomora pri pouku književnosti, pogostost obravnave problemskih tem pri pouku književnosti, občutek kompetentnosti učiteljev za obravnavo teme samomora ter seznanjenost učiteljev in učencev glede mitov in resnic o samomoru. Z izvedbo intervjujev sem v raziskavo vključila 11 učencev in 5 učiteljev 4. in 5. razreda osnovne šole. Ugotovila sem, da so učenci zelo naklonjeni obravnavi teme samomora ter da jih ta tema zanima, vendar večina nima izkušnje z obravnavo te teme pri pouku. Medtem ko nekateri učitelji problemskih tem pri pouku književnosti ne obravnavajo pogosto, jih drugi v pouk umeščajo namenoma in pouk književnosti izkoristijo za obravnavo tem, ki jih pri drugih predmetih ne morejo. Učitelji so večinoma naklonjeni obravnavi problemskih tem in jih pogosto obravnavajo tudi pri drugih predmetih in razrednih urah. Problemske teme izbirajo glede na problematiko, ki jo zaznajo v razredu ali glede na to, kar se dogaja v okolju, v katerem živijo. Vsekakor pa so učitelji do problemske teme samomora zadržani in je pri pouku navadno ne obravnavajo, niti se za obravnavo teme samomora večinoma ne počutijo kompetentne. Za konec sem preverila tudi seznanjenost učiteljev in učencev z miti in resnicami o samomoru. Odgovori so pokazali, da je seznanjenost tako učiteljev kot učencev razmeroma slaba ter da med učitelji in učenci ne prihaja do bistvenih razlik glede seznanjenosti. To še dodatno nakazuje na to, kako pomembno bi bilo dodatno ozaveščanje o problematiki samomora.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:samomor, stigma, mladinska književnost, problemska tema, pouk književnosti
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:Z. Flerin
Leto izida:2024
Št. strani:II, 125 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155587 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:191842307 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:07.04.2024
Število ogledov:198
Število prenosov:20
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Attitudes of Teachers and Pupils of Grades 4 and 5 of Primary School towards the Suicide Topic in Literature Lessons
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among adolescents, while mental heath problems are increasingly common among young people and children. The researchers draw attention to the broader concept of suicide, which also includes suicidal thoughts and attempts. Talking about suicide, despite the misconception that it increases risk, is an important factor in preventing impulsive actions and not only benefits those facing suicidal thoughts, but is part of a comprehensive prevention strategy. Teachers have an important role to play as they can build relationships with students and encourage open conversation, thereby reducing stigma and encouraging young people to talk about their problems. Youth problem literature deals with topics that are more challenging, opens up crisis situations that are often traumatic for the protagonist and have strong impact on his life. Problematic topics in literature, on the other hand, can provide teachers with a softer introduction to the discussion of topics that are more challenging and sometimes uncomfortable even for adults. Through a variety of methods, teachers can achieve the goals of literature teching, help reduce stigma, and at the same time give students the oppurtunity to speak about their struggles. In my theoretical work, I first described the phenomenon of suicide, suicide among young people and how it can be prevented. Then I focused on youth literature, didactics of youth literature and later on problem literature. In these chapters I wrote about the characteristics of the problem novel, the problematic topic of death in children's and youth literature and young people as readers of problem literature. Finally, I have selected three fairy tales in which we can find the theme od death and suicide, and have described some methods that could help us to deal with this theme when teaching literature. In the empirical part, I conducted a qualitative reasearch with which I wanted to get a better insight into the views of teachers and students in grades 4 and 5 of primary school on the topic of suicide in literature classes. In doing do, I focused on several aspects, namely the reading habits of students, the expriences and attitudes of students and teachers about dealing with the topic of suicide in literature classes, the frequency of dealing with problematic topics in literature classes, the sense of competence of teachers to deal with the topic of suicide, and the familiarity of teachers and students with the myths and truths about suicide. By conducting interviews, I included 11 students and 5 teachers in the 4th and 5th grade of primary school. I have found that students are very inclined to discuss the topic of suicide and are interested in it, but most have no experience of dealing with this topic in class. While some teachers do not often address problematic topics in their literature classes, others place them on purpose and use literature classes to address topics they cannot do in other subjects. Teachers are generally inclined to deal with problematic topics and often address them in other subjects and class hours as well. They choose problem topics based on the problem they percieve in the classroom or on what is happening in the environment in which they live. However, teachers are reluctant to deal with the problematic topic of suicide and do not usually address it in class, nor do most of them feel competent to deal with the topic of suicide. Finally, I checked teachers and students' awareness of the myths and truths about suicide. Responses showed that the level of awareness of both teachers and pupils is relatively low and that there are no significant differences in awareness between teachers and pupils. This shows how important it would be to raise awareness about suicide.

Ključne besede:suicide, stigma, youth literature, problematic topic, literature lessons

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