
Trening asertivnosti za uporabnike programa socialne vključenosti : magistrsko delo
ID Lešnjek, Silvana (Avtor), ID Grebenc, Vera (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil proučiti vpliv treninga asertivnosti na udeležene uporabnike programa socialne vključenosti ter evalvirati intervencijo treninga asertivnosti s perspektive udeležencev in perspektive mojih refleksij. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila koncepte, ki se dotikajo in prepletajo z omenjeno aktivnostjo. Predstavila sem program socialne vključenosti, v katerega so vključeni sodelujoči v raziskavi, ki so se udeležili treningov asertivnosti. Lotila sem se koncepta krepitve moči, njegovega razvoja in pomena za socialno delo. Predstavila sem koncept asertivnosti, teoretični del pa zaključila z opisom nekaterih osnovnih značilnosti skupin, vodenja skupine in skupinskega socialnega dela. Raziskovalni del magistrskega dela je sestavljen iz praktičnega dela, ki zajema pripravo na izvedbo in samo izvedbo treningov asertivnosti, kvantitativno analizo s pomočjo vprašalnikov pred in po treningih asertivnosti in kvalitativno analizo, ki je temeljila na delno strukturiranih intervjujih. Ugotovila sem, da je imel trening asertivnosti vpliv na udeležence. Udeleženci so navajali spremembe v svojem vedenju in zadovoljstvo z udeležbo na treningih. Iz izjav udeležencev treningov asertivnosti sem ugotovila, da so bili doseženi pomembni elementi na poti k asertivnemu vedenju uporabnikov. Ti elementi so: prepoznavanje različnih stilov komunikacije, uvid v slog lastne komunikacije, težnja po spremembi neasertivnih odzivov. Trening asertivnosti, ki sem ga pripravila in izpeljala za uporabnike programa socialne vključenosti, vidim kot aktivnost, ki uporabnikom ponuja oporo na poti osebnostne rasti in krepitvi notranje moči. Trening asertivnosti se je izkazal kot dobra metoda pri delu z uporabniki programa socialne vključenosti. Čeprav rezultati veljajo le za to konkretno skupino ljudi v tej raziskavi, – in jih ne posplošujem na populacijo ljudi, vključenih v program socialne vključenosti – so izsledki te raziskave lahko spodbuda in vodilo za načrtovanje in izvajanje dela s skupino in vodenje delavnic, namenjenih razvijanju in krepitvi socialnih kompetenc uporabnikov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:socialna vključenost, krepitev moči, asertivnost, delo s skupino
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[S. Lešnjek]
Leto izida:2024
Št. strani:97 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-155519 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:205762819 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:05.04.2024
Število ogledov:266
Število prenosov:127
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Asertiveness training for users of the social inclusion program
The aim of this master’s thesis was to study the impact of assertiveness training on participants in the social inclusion programme and evaluate the intervention of the assertiveness training from the perspective of the participants and my own reflection. In the theoretical part, concepts related to and intertwining with said activity were presented. I portrayed the social inclusion programme involving the research participants who participated in the assertiveness training. The concept of empowerment as well as its development and importance for social work was discussed. I also presented the concept of assertiveness, concluding the theoretical part by describing certain basic characteristics of groups, group management and collaborative social work. The research part of the master’s thesis comprises a practical part, which consists of the preparation for the implementation and the implementation itself of the assertiveness training, a quantitative analysis based on surveys carried out before and after the assertiveness training and a qualitative analysis based on semi-structured interviews. I determined that the assertiveness training had an impact on the participants. They noticed changes in their behaviour and confirmed the satisfaction with the participation in the training. From their statements, I was able to deduct that they achieved important goals towards assertive behaviour. These goals were the recognition of different communication styles, insight into one’s own communication style, tendency to change non-assertive reactions. I perceive the assertiveness training, which I prepared and implemented for the participants in the social inclusion programme, as an activity offering support to its participants on the path to personal growth and internal empowerment. The assertiveness training proved to be an effective meth-od when working with participants in the social inclusion programme. Even though the results were applicable to a certain group of people in this research—and were not generalised to the entire population of participants in the social inclusion programme—the results of this research can act as incentive and guideline for the planning and implementation of work with a group and the organisation of workshops intended to develop and improve social competences of participants.

Ključne besede:social inclusion, empowerment, assertiveness, work with a group

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