The master's thesis deals with the situation of girls in relation to their educational opportunities. The thesis outlines the events in the Karst region between the years 1918 and 1945, and a description of educational system, both in Primorska region and on the area of former Yugoslavia, before 1918, between 1918 and 1945, and after 1945. With the help of various registers and class books, the situation of girls in Sežana, Povir and Merče primary schools and at the Institute of School nurses in Tomaj is examined. The latter was the only institution that allowed girls in the area to get a secondary education. It also enabled them to continue their education at other schools, such as the teacher training school, where future teachers could get an education to practise their profession, however, only few girls could afford it since most girls during this period did not have the opportunity to get an education.