
Vloga pedagoškega koordinatorja pri delu z nadarjenimi učenci v osnovni šoli
ID Prosen, Manca (Avtor), ID Kalin, Janica (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Mažgon, Jasna (Komentor)

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V magistrski nalogi opredeljujemo in raziskujemo vlogo šolskega koordinatorja za delo z nadarjenimi učenci v osnovni šoli. V teoretičnem delu opredelimo nadarjenost in značilnosti nadarjenih učencev ter predstavimo nekatere kurikularne modele odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi učenci. V nadaljevanju se podrobneje osredotočimo na slovenski koncept odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi učenci ter predstavimo postopek odkrivanja in dela z njimi. Nadalje opredelimo vlogo šolskega koordinatorja pri delu z nadarjenimi učenci, pri tem pa posebej poudarimo tudi vlogo šolske svetovalne službe, saj je vpeta v vse ravni odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi. V empiričnem delu smo raziskovali, kako se koordinatorjeva vloga odraža v praksi: ugotavljali smo, katere so njihove najpogostejše zadolžitve, kako pogosto opravljajo neposredno delo z nadarjenimi učenci in na kakšen način sami doživljajo vlogo koordinatorja. Preverjali smo tudi, ali in na kakšen način koordinatorji pridobivajo ustrezna znanja in kompetence za opravljanje svoje vloge, s kakšnimi težavami se soočajo pri delu ter ali in kje v tem primeru dobijo pomoč in podporo. Pri raziskovanju smo se osredotočili tudi na vidik sodelovanja drugih udeležencev (učiteljev, staršev nadarjenih učencev, vodstva šole, zunanjih institucij ipd.) s koordinatorjem v procesu odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi ter se poglobili v odkrivanje dobrih praks in pomanjkljivosti pri uresničevanju koncepta odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi na posamezni šoli. V empirični raziskavi smo ugotovili, da je večina koordinatorjev za delo z nadarjenimi prav svetovalnih delavcev; najpogosteje opravljajo delovne naloge s področja odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi, opravljajo pa tudi neposredno delo z nadarjenimi, najpogosteje v obliki organiziranih delavnic za nadarjene. Podatki so pokazali tudi, da sodelujoči koordinatorji svojo vlogo doživljajo kot pomembno, hkrati pa tudi kot zahtevno; ocenili so, da so v svoji vlogi srednje zadovoljni. Svojo strokovno kompetentnost za opravljanje vloge koordinatorja so večinoma ocenili kot zadovoljivo, ustrezne kompetence in znanja za opravljanje vloge pa najpogosteje pridobivajo v obliki organiziranih predavanj/seminarjev/izobraževanj na matični šoli ali izven nje. Ugotovili smo, da se najpogosteje srečujejo s težavo preobremenjenosti (sebe kot koordinatorja, učiteljev, nadarjenih učencev, drugih strokovnih delavcev ipd.). Kljub temu so koordinatorji ocenili, da so pri svojem delu deležni dovolj podpore in pomoči, pogosto s strani vodstva šole. Kar se tiče sodelovanja drugih udeležencev z njimi, so koordinatorji sodelovanje večinoma ocenili nekoliko nadpovprečno, najvišje pa so ocenili sodelovanje z vodstvom šole. Kvalitetno delo pedagoškega koordinatorja za delo z nadarjenimi je nujno za uspešno uresničevanje Koncepta OŠ (1999): v raziskavi smo osvetlili tako pomanjkljivosti kot tudi primere dobrih praks, ki bi jih bilo potrebno upoštevati pri nadaljnjem raziskovanju področja odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi ter pri delu z nadarjenimi v osnovni šoli.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:osnovna šola, nadarjeni učenci, šolska svetovalna služba, pedagoški koordinator
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2024
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154898 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:08.03.2024
Število ogledov:492
Število prenosov:64
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The role of a pedagogical coordinator in working with gifted pupils in primary school
In this master's thesis, we define and investigate the role of a pedagogical coordinator in working with gifted pupils in primary school. In the theoretical part, we define giftedness and the characteristics of gifted students, also we present some curricular models for identifying and working with gifted students. Next, we focus in more detail on the Slovenian concept of identifying and working with gifted students and present the process of identifying and working with them. We further define the role of the pedagogical coordinator, while also emphasizing the role of the school counseling service, as it is involved in all levels of identification and work with the gifted. In the empirical part of the research, we investigated how the coordinator's role is reflected in practice: we found what their most common tasks are, how often they perform direct work with gifted students, and how they experience the role of the coordinator. We also researched whether and in what way the coordinators acquire the appropriate knowledge and competences to perform their role, what problems they face at work, and whether and where they get help and support when needed. In the research, we also focused on the aspect of other participant’s cooperation (teachers, parents of gifted students, school management, external institutions, etc.) with the coordinator in the process of identifying and working with the gifted, moreover we delved into the discovery of good practices and shortcomings in the implementation of the concept of identification and work with the gifted in each school. In the empirical research, we found that the majority of pedagogical coordinators who work with the gifted are school counselors; they most often perform work tasks in the field of identifying and working with the gifted, and they also perform direct work with the gifted which is most often in the form of organized lessons for the gifted. The data also showed that the participating coordinators experience their role as important, but at the same time challenging; they estimated that they were moderately satisfied with their role. They mostly rated their professional competence for performing the role of a coordinator as sufficient, and the appropriate competences and knowledge for performing the role are most often acquired in the form of organized lectures/seminars/training at or away from their home school. We found that they are most often faced with overload (themselves as coordinators, teachers, gifted students, other professionals, etc.). Nevertheless, the coordinators estimated that they receive enough support and help with their work, most often from the school management. As for the cooperation of other participants, the coordinators mostly rated the cooperation slightly above average, but the highest rating was given to the cooperation with the school management. The quality of the work of the pedagogical coordinator for work with the gifted is essential for the successful implementation of the Elementary School Concept (1999): in the research, we highlighted both shortcomings and examples of good practices that should be taken into account in further research in the field of identifying and working with the gifted, and also in the actual work with the gifted and the talented in primary school.

Ključne besede:primary school, gifted students, school counselling service, pedagogical coordinator

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