In 1950, the area above Mozirje, today known as Mozirska Požganija, was destroyed by fire. Since then, many successive stages have taken place here, which have varied in species structure. Growth dynamics changes relatively quickly as nowadays, 57 years after the fire, the spruce as a climax species is the main species of the forest stand, while pioneer trees, which have grownon the predominant part of the burnt area, started to withdraw. The goatwillow is disappearing from the area the quickest. The aspen and the birchhave better prospects, but the tendency of growing strength decline is continuing. Because these species favor light and do not tolerate side shadingwell, this is reflected in a considerable diminishing of assimilation apparatus. The only species surviving the fire - Larch and Scots pine - have strong trees, but are slowly sinking under the spruce crowns, which try to dominate in every way. Some parts of Požganija stay uninhabited either becauseof the dense growth in the herbal layer or steep slopes and erosion, which is constantly present here. A further growing of any other species has not been discovered.