
Poslanstvo in edukativni izzivi Abrahamove žene Sare : doktorska disertacija
ID Stanonik, Miriam (Avtor), ID Gerjolj, Stanko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Sveto pismo je knjiga, ki je vedno aktualna, saj s svojimi sporočili in razglabljanji nikoli ne zastara. V njej lahko odkrivamo oblike komunikacije med Bogom in človekom in svetopisemskimi liki in se z njimi identificiramo. Z njimi delimo svoje dvome in strahove, upe in vero. »Svetopisemska pedagogika« nas uvaja v iskanje temeljnih sporočil bibličnih pripovedi, religioznih in človeških dimenzij, odpira nove perspektive in razsežnosti in uči iskreno verovati, s tem pa tudi živeti, delati in ljubiti. Odrešenjska razsežnost Svetega pisma se kaže v tem, da se vsaka, še tako zapletena zgodba dobro in spodbudno razplete. Sveto pismo je sad božansko-človeškega navdiha. In bolj kot se Sveto pismo uporablja v edukaciji, bolj dinamičen in bolj pozitiven je človeški razvoj. Krizne situacije, v katerih se znajdejo svetopisemski liki, služijo za snov, iz katere Höfer potegne vzporednice tudi za terapevtsko reševanje posameznikovih ali družinskih kriznih situacij. Bog prihaja človeku naproti kot vzgojitelj in tudi kot terapevt, ki prvi uporablja izkustvene metode učenja in človeku pošilja izzive, da ga postavijo v situacijo »tukaj in zdaj«. Božja pedagogika ima začetek v Božji ljubeči pobudi in se, kot sad milosti, nadaljuje s človekovim odgovorom nanjo. Bog nam vedno prihaja naproti in nas vabi. Bog se od Abrahama dalje vedno znova približuje človeku in ga kliče za svojega sodelavca. Z izkušnjo, preko izkustvenega učenja, preganja dvome in strahove. V izraelski družbi je imel vsak spol že od rojstva naprej določeno vlogo, ki jo je igral vse življenje. Glede na to vlogo, je potekala tudi vzgoja otrok. V šole niso hodili in so jih vzgajali doma. Dečke so vzgajali moški, za gospodarje, fizično močne in tehnično podkovane, da so lahko preživljali svojo družino. Deklice pa so vzgajale ženske za gospodinje, pomoč v kuhinji, pri pospravljanju, pri vzgajanju mlajših bratov in sester. Dekleta so dejansko že od »prvih korakov« poznale svojo vlogo in so se pripravljale na to, da bodo nekega dne postale žene in matere. Bodo varuhinje svojega ognjišča, otrok in družine. To jih bo v takratni družbi notranje izpolnilo in jim dalo javno veljavo. Družina je bila v izraelski družbi temelj izvoljenega ljudstva in iz nje je narod črpal svojo moč. V želji, da bi bila trajna, so jo posvetili z verskim obredom in razni zakoni so določali stopnje sorodstva, ki so še dopuščale sklenitev zveze. Običajna je bila monogamija, a poznamo primere, ko je zaradi nerodovitnega odnosa z ženo, ki ni dal potomcev, te dobil pri drugi ženi, priležnici ali celo dekli. Prav srečevanje z Abrahamovo in Sarino družino odpira vprašanja odnosov, vzgoje in življenja v družini brez otrok, z nezakonskim otrokom, odstira pa tudi pogled v življenje z enim zakonskim otrokom. Kljub dramatičnim trenutkom, in morda prav zaradi njih, Sara in Abraham predstavljata »živahno in trajno ljubezensko zgodbo« v Svetem pismu. Njuna vez je bila nezlomljiva, njuni življenji za vedno prepleteni. Ob tem ne moremo mimo poslanstva in edukativnih izzivov žene Sare. S svojimi dejanji in ob človeški nepotrpežljivost, je večkrat s svojimi ravnanji »prehitevala« Božji načrt. S svojo osebnostjo in lastnostmi pa Sara potrjuje, da je podoba izraelske žene, kot jih srečamo v Stari zavezi. Tudi v Božji pedagogiki je očitno imela posebno mesto, saj kot poseben nasvet odmeva verz iz 1 Mz 21,12, kjer Bog pove Abrahamu, naj posluša Saro, kar koli mu poreče. Izkaže se, da je nasvet praktičen in ga je Abraham tudi upošteval. In čeprav ima oče vodilni položaj v družini, mora upoštevati stališče glavne ženske akterke v družini, celo, kadar to ogroža njegovo svobodo pri zaščiti in vzgoji potomcev. Sara pa je najprej ob izsiljenem igranem materinstvu spoznavala, da sta za rodovitnost potrebna vera in zaupanje, saj je svoje poslanstvo – biti žena in mati – lahko realizirala šele v visoki starosti. Soočenje z drugostjo pa je bil zanjo izziv. A ko Abraham »odstavi« Saro, postavi na distanco tudi svoje potomstvo. Ko pa se končno oba srečata s starševstvom, se Bog odloči za preverjeno izkustveno metodo poučevanja in Abrahamu z uporabo bolečine pove, da kljub vsemu Izak ni njegov, je Božji otrok in ima tako pravico do samostojnega življenja, do lastnih vizij. Tako Abraham prečiščuje svojo vest in temeljne življenjske dileme rešuje s komunikacijo. Vse tri drže – biti žena, duhovna in biološka mati, ki jih srečamo pri Sari, se z dimenzijo materinstva združujejo v pedagoških poklicih. Pri empiričnem delu uporabljamo kvalitativno vsebinsko analizo podatkov polstrukturiranih intervjujev ter rezultatov ankete na ravni pilotske oz. nereprezentativne raziskave. Pri raziskovanju gre za poskus razumevanja doživljanj udeležencev učno-vzgojnega procesa. Na eni strani vzgojiteljev, na drugi strani vzgajanih ter v anketah udeleženci duhovnih in izobraževalnih programov, ki poznajo svetopisemsko ozadje odnosov, na katere so se nanašala vprašanja ankete. Svetopisemska žena Sara, ki je vedno v službi odnosov, je zanje pripravljena spreminjati svoj obraz. Pomembno je poudariti, da za tako dejanje potrebuje namig in spodbudo. Tudi zato Sara postane rodovitne šele, ko se ji v zakonu za odnos odpre tudi njen mož Abraham. Spreminjanje obraza je pravzaprav proces integracije, ko se naučimo sprejeti in ljubiti sebe, svojo družino na način, da »so naši« tudi s svojimi grešnimi in temnimi dimenzijami življenja. Bog po obdobju mehčanja in spreminjanja vedno nagradi in nam daje možnost novih začetkov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Abraham, feminizacija, geštalt pedagogika, izkustveno učenje, Sara, ženska v Svetem pismu, ženska pedagogika
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Stanonik]
Leto izida:2024
Št. strani:IX, 314, XIV str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154476 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:185946627 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:16.02.2024
Število ogledov:497
Število prenosov:55
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Mission and educational challenges of Abraham's wife Sarah
The Bible is a book that is always current, because its messages and explanations never get out of date. In it, we can discover forms of communication between God and man and biblical characters that call for identification. We share our doubts and fears, aw well as hopes and faith with them. "Biblical pedagogy" introduces us to the search for the fundamental messages of biblical narratives, religious and human dimensions, opens new perspectives and dimensions and teaches us to sincerely believe, and thereby also live, work and love. The salvific dimension of the Bible is manifested in the fact that every story, no matter how complicated, unfolds well and encouragingly. The Bible is the fruit of divine-human inspiration. And the more the Bible is used in education, the more dynamic and positive human development is. Situations of crisis in which biblical characters find themselves serve as material from which Höfer draws parallels for the therapeutic resolution of individual or family crisis situations. God comes to man as an educator and as a therapist, who is the first to use experiential learning methods and sends challenges to man to place him in the "here and now" situation. God's pedagogy begins in God's loving initiative and, as a fruit of grace, continues with man's response to it. God always comes to meet us and invites us. God's pedagogy is a kind of God's strategy, how God approaches man again and again from Abraham onwards and calls him to be his collaborator. Through experience, through experiential learning, he banishes doubts and fears. In Israeli society, each gender had a specific role from birth onwards, which they played throughout their lives. Based to this role, the upbringing of children took place. They did not go to school and were raised at home. Boys were raised by men, to be masters, physically strong and technically skilled to support their family. The girls were raised by women to be housewives, helping in the kitchen, cleaning, and raising younger brothers and sisters. The girls knew their role from the "first steps" and were preparing to one day become wives and mothers. To become guardians of their hearth, children, and family. This will also fulfill them in the society of that time and give them public validity. The family was the foundation of the chosen people in Israelite society and from it the nation drew its strength. For it to be permanent, it was consecrated with a religious ceremony and various laws determined the degrees of kinship, which still allowed a union to be held. Monogamy was common, but we know of cases where, due to an infertile relationship with a wife who did not produce descendants, a male got children from another wife, a concubine or even a girl. Sometimes the father, to the loss of the son born to him by his wife, left property to the son he had with a concubine. Fortunately, these are rather exceptions that confirm the rule that a son born in matrimony had the priority of inheritance. Meeting Abraham's and Sarah's family opens the questions of relationships, upbringing, and life in a family without children, with an illegitimate child, but also offers a look at life of a family with an only child. Despite the dramatic moments, and perhaps because of them, Sarah and Abraham represent a "vibrant and enduring love story" in the Bible. Their bond was unbreakable, their lives forever intertwined. At the same time, we cannot ignore Sara’s mission and educational challenges. With her actions and with human impatience, she has repeatedly "outstripped" God's plan. With her personality and characteristics, Sara confirms that she is the image of an Israelite woman as we meet them in the Old Testament. She also clearly had a special place in God's pedagogy, because the verse from 1 Moses 21:12 echoes as a special advice, where God tells Abraham to listen to Sarah, whatever she tells him. It turns out that the advice is practical, and Abraham followed it. And although the father has a leading position in the family, he must consider the position of the main female actor in the family, even when this threatens his freedom to protect and raise his descendants. Sara, however, was the first to realize through forced and pretended motherhood that faith and trust are necessary for fertility, as she was only able to realize her mission - to be a wife and mother - at an advanced age. Facing otherness was a challenge for her. But when Abraham "puts away" Sarah, he also puts his descendants at a distance. When both of them finally come to terms with parenthood, God decides on applying a proven experiential teaching method and tells Abraham, using pain, that despite everything, Isaac is not his, he is God's child and thus has the right to an independent life, to his own visions. This is how Abraham clears his conscience and solves fundamental dilemmas through communication. All three attitudes - being a wife, spiritual and biological mother, that we meet with Sara, are combined with the dimension of motherhood in teaching professions. In the empirical work, we use a qualitative content analysis of data from semi-structured interviews and survey results at the pilot level or unrepresentative surveys. Research is an attempt to understand the experiences of the participants in the educational process. On one side of educators, on the other side of the educated, and in the surveys, participants of spiritual and educational programs who know the biblical background of the relationships to which the survey questions referred. The biblical wife Sara, who is always at the service of relationships, is ready to change her face for them. It is important to emphasize that such an action requires a hint and an incentive. This is also why Sarah becomes fertile only when her husband Abraham opens to her in marriage. Changing the face is a process of integration, when we learn to accept and love ourselves, our family in a way that "they are ours" even with their sinful and dark dimensions of life. After a period of softening and change, God always rewards and gives us the possibility of new beginnings.

Ključne besede:Abraham, feminization, gestalt pedagogy, experiential learning, Sarah, woman in Bible, female pedagogy

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