
Ljubosumje v partnerskem odnosu z vidika relacijske družinske paradigme in klinične prakse : doktorska disertacija
ID Marković, Milena (Avtor), ID Erzar, Tomaž (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Doktorska disertacija z naslovom Ljubosumje v partnerskem odnosu z vidika relacijske paradigme in klinične prakse obravnava ljubosumje s stališča teoretičnih osnov relacijske paradigme in opisuje raziskavi, ki sta bili narejeni glede povezanosti med ljubosumjem in psihološkimi značilnostmi posameznika in glede v praksi izvedenih terapij po metodi relacijske družinske terapije. Ljubosumje se v tujini pogosto obravnava v zakonski in družinski terapiji, medtem ko pri nas zakonski in družinski terapevti, ki delujejo po sistemsko-relacijskem modelu, s tem nimajo veliko izkušenj. Prav tako še ni bila izvedena nobena raziskava, ki bi dokazovala uspeh metode relacijske družinske terapije pri obravnavi ljubosumja v partnerskem odnosu. Zato je izvirni prispevek doktorske disertacije prav v poglobljenem raziskovanju ljubosumja s stališča psiholoških značilnosti posameznika in vzrokov za ljubosumje kot tudi načina psihosocialne pomoči in zdravljenja po metodi relacijske družinske terapije. Doktorska disertacija je razdeljena na teoretični in raziskovalni del, v katerem smo izvedli kvantitativno in kvalitativno raziskavo, ki s stališča izvirnega prispevka doktorske disertacije tvorita celoto. V kvantitativni del raziskave je bilo vključenih 206 udeležencev, ki so z odgovori na Vprašalnik medosebnih odnosov (RQ), Vprašalnik o vrstah trpinčenja v primarni družini (CTQ), del Vprašalnika spremembe v sistemski terapiji (del začetnega STIC), Lestvico medosebnega ljubosumja (IJS) in Lestvico nezvestobe (IS) potrdili, da tudi v slovenskem okolju obstajata statistično značilna pozitivna povezanost med ljubosumjem in negativnim vzdušjem v družini, vsiljevanjem družinskih članov ter spolno in čustveno zlorabo med družinskimi člani ter uporabo fizične sile zoper posameznika ter tudi statistično značilna negativna povezanost s pozitivnim vzdušjem v družini in prisotnostjo družinskega ponosa. Prav tako so rezultati raziskave potrdili, da se ne-varna navezanost, posebej plašljivo izogibajoči in preokupirano izogibajoči stil, statistično pozitivno povezuje z ljubosumjem, varna navezanost pa negativno. Tudi travmatične izkušnje v smislu spolne, fizične ali čustvene zlorabe in fizičnega ali čustvenega zanemarjanja posameznika v otroštvu so potrdile pozitivno statistično povezavo z ljubosumjem, ki ga posameznik razvije v odraslih intimnih odnosih. Glede starosti ali nezvestobe pa statistično značilna povezava z ljubosumjem ni bila potrjena, prav tako ne razlika v stopnji ljubosumja glede na spol. V drugi raziskavi, ki je temeljila na kvalitativnem delu, pa smo s 17 zakonskimi in družinskimi terapevti po metodi relacijske družinske terapije opravili polstrukturirane intervjuje in raziskovali njihove izkušnje v terapiji s pari s problemom ljubosumja z vidika značilnosti (pomembnosti) terapije, družinskega ozadja klientov, intervencij, ki so jih terapevti uporabljali, ključnega trenutka v terapiji, senzacij pri klientih in terapevtih med terapijo in uspeha terapije tako s stališča zdravljenja ljubosumja v odnosu kot uspeha terapije z vidika terapevtov. Ugotovili smo, da je v 22 opisanih terapijah večina klientov na terapijo prišla skupaj s partnerjem in da se je v 81,82 % primerov ljubosumje skrivalo v ozadju drugih težav. Večina terapij je trajala več kot 12 srečanj, terapevti pa so pri obravnavi ljubosumja uporabljali več različnih intervencij. Terapije so bile uspešne in so prispevale k spremembi v čustvovanju klientov, v samozavesti klientov in sposobnosti prevzemanja odgovornosti. Raziskava je potrdila tudi pozitivne rezultate izvedenih terapij, saj sta v 77,27 % primerov partnerja po terapiji ostala skupaj, partnerski odnos pa se je izboljšal. V drugih primerih pa je prišlo do uvida glede vzroka ljubosumja, uvida v stisko partnerja, stika klienta s samim seboj, boljše samozavesti klientov ali skrbi klientov zase. Opisane rezultate druge raziskave smo potrdili tudi z ločeno analizo treh intervjujev s klienti. Model sistemsko-relacijske družinske terapije se je tako v naši raziskavi izkazal za uspešnega in učinkovitega pri terapevtski obravnavi problema romantičnega ljubosumja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:ljubosumje, metoda relacijske družinske terapije, partnerski odnos, navezanost, travmatična izkušnja, nezvestoba, uspeh terapije
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Marković]
Leto izida:2023
Št. strani:XII, 323, III str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154192 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:183580419 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:31.01.2024
Število ogledov:940
Število prenosov:229
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Jealousy in partner relationships from the point of view of relational family paradigms and clinical practice
Jealousy in Partner Relationship from the Point of View of Relational Family Paradigm and Clinical Practice This doctoral dissertation, titled Jealousy in Partner Relationship from the Point of View of Relational Family Paradigm and Clinical Practice, studies jealousy based on theoretical findings related to the relational paradigm and describes two studies addressing the correlation between jealousy and one’s psychological traits as well as therapies performed in practice using the systemic and relational family therapy method. In foreign countries, jealousy is often treated in the field of marriage and family therapy, while Slovene marriage and family therapists using the systemic and relational model do not have much experience in this field. Furthermore, no research proving the effectiveness of the relational family therapy (RFT) method in treating jealousy in a relationship has been conducted. This doctoral dissertation is thus significant due to its in-depth approach to studying jealousy in terms of one’s psychological traits and reasons for jealousy as well as psychosocial support and treatment using the RFT method. The doctoral dissertation comprises a theoretical and an empirical part, presenting quantitative and qualitative studies, which form a whole in the context of the original contribution of the doctoral dissertation. The quantitative part of the study included 206 participants, who responded to Relationship Questionnaire (RQ), Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), a part of Systemic Therapy Inventory of Change questionnaire (a part of the initial STIC), Interpersonal Jealousy Scale (IJS) and Infidelity Scale (IS). The study confirmed that in Slovenia there is a statistically significant positive correlation between jealousy and a negative family atmosphere, forcing behaviour of family members, sexual and emotional abuse among family members and physical aggression, as well as a statistically significant negative correlation between a pleasant family atmosphere and the presence of familial pride. The study also determined a statistically significant positive correlation between jealousy and an (un)secure attachment, a fearful- avoidant and preoccupied-avoidant attachment style, and a statistically significant negative correlation between jealousy and a secure attachment. A statistically significant positive correlation between jealousy and traumatic experience in form of sexual, physical and emotional abuse or physical or emotional neglect in one's childhood and jealousy, which is developed in one's adult intimate relationships, was also determined. A statistically significant correlation between jealousy and age or infidelity or difference between jealousy and gender, however, was not determined. In the second study, based on qualitative work, we used the RFT method to conduct semi- structured interviews with 17 marriage and family therapists. We studied their experience in couples therapy with clients who had problems with jealousy, addressing characteristics (importance) of therapy, family background of clients, interventions used by therapists, key moments in therapy, sensations in clients and therapists during therapy as well as the success of therapy in terms of treating jealousy in a relationship and the success of therapy from therapists' viewpoint. We determined that most of the clients who participated in 22 therapy sessions described went into therapy with their partner and that in 81.82 % of cases jealousy was a result of other problems. In most cases, therapy was performed in form of 12 therapy sessions, and to treat jealousy, therapists used different interventions. Therapies were successful and contributed to a change in clients' expression of emotions, confidence and the ability to take responsibility. The study also confirmed a positive outcome of the therapies, as in 77.27 % of cases partners stayed together and managed to improve their relationship. In other cases, clients were able to identify the cause for jealousy, gain insight into their partner's distress, get into touch with themselves, enhance their confidence or start to take better care of themselves. The described results of the second research have been confirmed with a separate analysis of three client interviews. In our research, the model of systemic and relational family therapy thus proved to be successful and effective in the therapeutic treatment of romantic jealousy.

Ključne besede:jealousy, relational family therapy method, relationship, attachment, traumatic experience, infidelity, success of therapy

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