
Izdelava 2D animacije s poudarkom na izrazih čustev
ID Ravšl, Mark (Author), ID Iskra, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen tega diplomskega dela je bila izdelava kratke klasične 2D animacije, narejene v digitalnem mediju. Končni izdelek pa je kratka zgodba z naslovom Posledice vsevednosti. Teoretični del zajema splošno o animaciji, kot vizualni medij, mehanizem animacije in kako se slike pretvorijo v primikajoče elemente. Temu sledi zgodovina animacije, kjer smo opisali optične igrače, zgodnje naprave za animacijo ter začetne pristope k animaciji v ZDA, Evropi ter Sloveniji. Nato pa opišemo še dvanajst principov animacije, te pa so ključnega pomena in standard današnjih animiranih del. V eksperimentalnem delu pa so predstavljena orodja ter računalniška oprema, ki smo jih uporabili za izdelavo animacije. Opisan je celotni postopek izdelave kratkega animiranega filma. Vključuje začetno misel, ki je bila ključni del razvoja ideje, nato pa nadgradnjo te ideje v sinopsis in v snemalno knjigo. V razvoju ter izdelavi likov v tem postopku smo opisali kaj je bila ideja lika in lastnosti, ki jih lik predstavlja. Temu sledi opis procesa animiranja, kjer smo opisali korake in naše razmišljanje med izdelavo zgodbe. Na koncu pa predstavimo še proces postprodukcije. Postopek v katerem smo združil vse sekvence sličic in sliki dodali zvočne efekte, ambientne zvoke ter glasbo. To pa skupaj s sliko tvori končni izdelek.

Keywords:animacija, razvoj lika, 2D, ilustracija, kratek film
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-154181 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Making of 2D animation with emphasis on expressing emotion
The purpose of this diploma thesis was to create a short classic 2D animation made in digital medium. The final product is a short story titled Consequences of Omniscience. The theoretical part covers animation in general as a visual medium, the mechanism of animation and how images are transformed into moving elements. This is followed by the history of animation, where we described optical toys, early animation devices and initial approaches to animation in the USA, Europe and Slovenia. Then we describe twelve principles of animation, which are of key importance and the standard of today's animated works. In the experimental part we describe the tools, software and equipment we used to create the animation. The entire process of making a short animated film is described. It includes the initial idea that was a key part of the development of the project, and then the development of that idea into a synopsis and into a storyboard. In this process, we also described the development and creation of the characters, what was the idea of the character and the qualities that the character represents. This is followed by a description of the animation process, where we described the steps and my thinking during the creation of the story. Finally, we present the post-production process, a step in which we combined all the sequences of images and added sound effects, ambient sounds and music to the image, which formed the final product.

Keywords:animation, character development, 2D, illustration, short film

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