
Scenografski in dramaturški potencial nosljivih tehnologij v oblikovanju kostumov
ID Hrga, Iztok (Author), ID Pantouvaki, Sofia (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavko Čuden, Alenka (Comentor)

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The research area of this study is wearable technologies in costume design. The investigation focuses on the scenographic and dramaturgical potential of electronic costumes. The practice-based study covers several areas: theoretical framing, methodology, design, empirical results, and description and analysis of people's experiences. The investigation is grounded in various theories: performance, phenomenology, new materialism, and interaction design. Particular attention is paid to the scenographic, interactive, and multi-sensory aspects of costume design as a means of performance making. Following a survey of existing wearables, the researcher designed and fabricated a series of non-character-based costume prototypes using low-cost electronics and open-source programming. He then developed a workshop and performance to test them with performers, dramaturgs, directors, and other designers to gain their diverse insights as observers and wearers. A triangulation research design helped explain how the use of technology and innovative dramaturgical approaches in costume design changes the perception of what costume is, how technology affects costume in relation to scenography, performers, and spectators, and how technology embedded in costume can advance the future work of costume designers. This research makes new connections between scenography, costume, and technology, conducts experimental work in a distinct way, captures interdisciplinary evidence, and develops creative educational processes. It aims to produce findings with practical and life-long learning implications that could be of use to the professional costume community. Electronic costumes can be classified as a subtype of costumes. By integrating electronic components such as sensors and actuators, they have sensitive, transformative, and explicitly performative properties. Circuits and programming transform electronic costumes into time-based spatial body events that manifest themselves in performance not only as aesthetic forms but also through dramaturgical processes. Electronics and software enable connection and interaction with other performance elements such as light, sound, space, time, the bodies of the performers on stage, and the bodies of the audience. They provide an additional level of sensory engagement for the performers and audience by creating an immersive environment that can be experienced physically and viscerally. Electronic costumes affect the way we perceive, sense, or make sense. They contribute significantly to the creation of characters, meanings, spaces, situations, and key moments. Electronic costumes can change their physical appearance or switch interchangeably between different functions and im/materialities. They communicate wirelessly with other elements connected to the same local network or via the internet and, like other scenic elements, can be controlled and operated physically or remotely by human or non-human agents. The design constraints for electronic costumes are parameters for interface manipulation that determine how the electronic costumes are activated and how they interact with the performer, the environment, and the audience. As this thesis proves, electronic costumes offer greater expressiveness, deeper immersion, and a stronger sensory impact on the audience than conventional costumes. The active participation of the performers and/or the audience in controlling the costumes leads to the unpredictability of the play and non-linear dramaturgy. Thinking in terms of trajectories is a creative strategy for costume designers that ensures a coherent dramaturgy of the costume experience. The ‘light-costumes’ case study was used in this thesis as a tool to develop a practice-based approach. The study shows the extent to which performance can be generated through costume and how electronics can be used to explore the perception of costume. Embodied light that moves in unison with the wearers constantly draws attention to the costumes and allows the audience to perceive everything that is happening through the eyes and bodies of the performers. The light-costumes transform the environment and reflect the inner thoughts and feelings of the wearers. The light they project immerses the performers, the space, and the audience in diverse affective atmospheres. The costumes can communicate wirelessly with other costumes and scenery without the need for fixed lighting, wall sockets, or lighting technicians, forming a swarm-based scenography. The outcomes of the thesis show that performers and interactive systems can be equal partners. Wearable electronics allow performers to develop new choreographic skills and increase their expressiveness. It gives them the ability to change the look of their costume at will and in real-time. The light-costumes take the audience on an experiential journey. They enrich the spectators’ understanding of the performers' technique, heighten their awareness of their own bodies, and trigger their haptic vision and kinaesthetic empathy. Electronics and prototyping offer the costume designer advanced tools for meaning-making and the opportunity to break with conventional theatre hierarchy by weaving a web of new relationships between various tangible and intangible elements such as body, costume, movement, light, sound, space, and time. Designing costumes as a sequence of actions, impressions, and affects offers, as this thesis attests, a new approach to costumographic dramaturgy.

Keywords:electronic costume, scenography, dramaturgy, interaction design, constraints and trajectories, kinaesthetic empathy
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153994 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.01.2024
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Title:The scenographic and dramaturgical potential of wearable technology in costume design
Raziskovalno področje pričujoče študije so nosljive tehnologije v kostumografiji. Raziskava se osredotoča na scenografski in dramaturški potencial elektronskih kostumov. Praktična študija zajema več področij: teoretičen okvir, metodologijo, oblikovanje, empirične rezultate ter opis in razčlembo izkušenj udeležencev. Raziskava temelji na različnih teorijah: teoriji performativnosti, fenomenologiji, novem materializmu in oblikovanju interakcij. Posebna pozornost je namenjena scenografskim, interaktivnim in več čutnim vidikom kostumografije kot načinom za ustvarjanja pomenov. Raziskovalec je na podlagi pregleda obstoječih nosljivih tehnologij zasnoval in izdelal serijo prototipov kostumov s pomočjo nizkocenovne elektronike in odprtokodnega programiranja. Kostumi oblikovno niso bili vezani na tekst ali lik. Nato je razvil delavnico in predstavo, kjer je prototipe preizkusil z izvajalci, dramaturgi, režiserji in drugimi oblikovalci, z namenom da bi pridobil njihove različne uvide, tako v vlogi nosilcev kot opazovalcev kostumov. S triangulacijsko raziskovalno metodo je bilo pojasnjeno, kako uporaba tehnologije in inovativnih dramaturških pristopov v kostumografiji spreminja dojemanje tega, kaj je kostum, kako tehnologija vpliva na odnos kostuma do scenografije, izvajalcev in gledalcev ter kako lahko tehnologija, vgrajena v kostum oplemeniti delo kostumografov v prihodnosti. Ta raziskava vzpostavlja nove povezave med scenografijo, kostumom in tehnologijo, vodi eksperimentalno delo na neobičajen način, zajema interdisciplinarne dokaze in razvija ustvarjalne izobraževalne procese. Njen cilj je ustvariti ugotovitve s praktičnimi in didaktičnimi učinki, ki bi lahko bile koristne za skupnost profesionalnih kostumografov. Elektronski kostumi se lahko opredelijo kot podtip gledaliških kostumov. Z integracijo elektronskih komponent, kot so senzorji in aktuatorji, pridobijo senzorične, preobrazbene in dobesedno performativne lastnosti. Tokokrogi in programiranje spremenijo elektronske kostume v časovno-prostorske dogodke, ki se v uprizoritvi manifestirajo ne le kot estetske oblike, ampak tudi skozi dramaturške procese. Elektronika in programska oprema omogočata povezovanje in interakcijo z drugimi elementi odrske postavitve, kot so svetloba, zvok, prostor, čas, telesa izvajalcev na odru in telesa gledalcev. Za izvajalce in gledalce zagotavljajo dodatno raven senzorične angažiranosti tako, da ustvarjajo imerzivno okolje, ki ga je mogoče doživeti fizično in visceralno. Elektronski kostumi vplivajo na to, kako zaznavamo, čutimo ali razmišljamo. Pomembno prispevajo k ustvarjanju likov, pomenov, prostorov, situacij in ključnih trenutkov. Elektronski kostumi lahko spremenijo svoj fizični izgled ali preklapljajo med različnimi funkcijami in ne/materialnostmi. Brezžično lahko komunicirajo z drugimi elementi, povezanimi v isto lokalno omrežje ali prek interneta. Človeški ali nečloveški akterji jih lahko fizično ali na daljavo nadzorujejo in upravljajo enako kot druge scenske elemente. Oblikovalske omejitve elektronskih kostumov so parametri za manipulacijo elektronskega kostuma kot vmesnika, ki določajo, kako se le-ti aktivirajo in kako sodelujejo z izvajalcem, okoljem in občinstvom. Ta disertacija potrjuje, da elektronski kostumi ponujajo večjo izraznost, globljo imerzivnost in močnejši senzorični učinek na občinstvo kot pa konvencionalni kostumi. Aktivno sodelovanje izvajalcev in/ali občinstva pri nadzoru kostumov vodi v nelinearno dramaturgijo in nepredvidljivost uprizoritve. Kostumografsko razmišljanje v smislu trajektorij je ustvarjalna strategija, ki zagotavlja koherentno dramaturgijo kostumske izkušnje. V dispoziciji je bil primer 'svetlobnih kostumov' uporabljen kot sredstvo za razvoj praktičnega pristopa. Ta primer prikazuje do katere mere lahko celotna predstava temelji na kostumu in kako lahko elektroniko uporabimo za raziskovanje zaznave kostuma. Utelešena svetloba, ki se premika v sozvočju z izvajalci, nenehno priteguje pozornost na kostume in omogoča občinstvu, da zazna vse, kar se dogaja skozi oči in telesa izvajalcev. Svetlobni kostumi odsevajo njune notranje misli in občutke ter spreminjajo okolje. Svetloba, ki jo nastopajoča oddajata, potopi izvajalce, prostor in občinstvo v raznolike afektivne atmosfere. Kostumi lahko brez pomoči fiksne razsvetljave, zidnih vtičnic ali svetlobnih tehnikov brezžično komunicirajo z drugimi kostumi in scenskimi elementi ter tvorijo scenografijo, ki se obnaša kot roj. Izsledki raziskave kažejo, da so izvajalci in interaktivni sistemi lahko enakopravni partnerji. Nosljiva elektronika omogoča izvajalcema razvoj novih koreografskih spretnosti in povečanje njune izraznosti. Daje jima sposobnost spreminjanja videza kostuma po lastni volji in v realnem času. Svetlobni kostumi popeljejo gledalce na doživljajsko potovanje. Obogatijo njihovo razumevanje tehnike izvajalcev, povečajo njihovo zavedanje lastnih teles in sprožijo njihov haptični vid in kinestetično empatijo. Elektronika in prototipiranje ponujata kostumografu napredna orodja za ustvarjanje pomena in možnost prekinitve s konvencionalno gledališko hierarhijo tako, da mu omogočata pletenje mreže novih odnosov med različnimi oprijemljivimi in neoprijemljivimi gledališkimi elementi kot so telo, kostum, gibanje, svetloba, zvok, prostor in čas. Pričujoča dispozicija potrjuje, da oblikovanje kostumov kot zaporedje dejanj, vtisov in afektov ponuja nov pristop h kostumografski dramaturgiji.

Keywords:elektronski kostum, scenografija, dramaturgija, oblikovanje interakcij, omejitve in trajektorije, kinestetična empatija

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