
Analiza uporabnosti grafičnega vmesnika mobilne aplikacije Strava z metodo sledenja gibanja oči : magistrsko delo
ID Kerlatec, Ajda (Author), ID Petrovčič, Andraž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj magistrskega dela je bil preučiti izzive, s katerimi se uporabniki srečujejo pri interakciji z grafičnim vmesnikom v Stravi, ki je ena najbolj priljubljenih mobilnih aplikacij za samosledenje športnim aktivnostim. Osredotočili smo se na njenih pet ključnih funkcionalnosti: snemanje športnih aktivnosti, načrtovanje vadbe, izvajanje treningov, analiza aktivnosti in socialno mreženje v aplikaciji. S pomočjo metode sledenja gibanja oči smo identificirali, kaj uporabnike najbolj vizualno privlači na posameznih zaslonih in kako hitro opazijo določene interakcijske elemente. Izvedli smo uporabniške teste s petimi udeleženci, ki so v mobilni aplikaciji Strava izvedli pet nalog. Rezultati testiranja so pokazali, da so imeli uporabniki težave pri iskanju različnih funkcionalnosti v aplikaciji. Največ težav so imeli z iskanjem gumba za dostop do osebnega profila v aplikaciji, kar bi lahko izboljšali z implementacijo povezave na vrhu desne strani zaslona. Težave so se pojavile tudi pri iskanju funkcionalnosti "Monthly fitness," ki je precej skrita pod glavnim zaslonom. Težavo bi lahko rešili z implementacijo iskalnika, ki omogoča lažje iskanje funkcionalnosti. Udeleženci so pri nastavljanju osebnih ciljev opazili gumb za nastavitev, vendar so spregledali poimenovanja funkcionalnosti. Za izboljšanje prepoznavnosti bi morali biti naslovi funkcionalnosti bolj izpostavljeni, na primer z uporabo kontrastnih barv, ki hitreje pritegnejo njihovo pozornost.

Keywords:dizajn uporabniškega vmesnika, metoda sledenja gibanja oči, Strava, test uporabnosti, uporabniška izkušnja, samosledenje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Kerlatec
Number of pages:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (93 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153538 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:181722627 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.01.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Usability assessment of the graphic user interface in Strava mobile application with eye tracking
This master's thesis aimed to examine the challenges users face when interacting with the graphical interface in Strava, one of the most popular mobile applications for self-tracking sports activities. We focused on five key functionalities of Strava: recording sports activities, planning workouts, conducting training sessions, analysing activities, and social networking within the application. The eye-tracking method provided insights into what attracts users most on application screens and how quickly they can notice specific elements. Five participants took part in usability tests, each of them performing five different tasks. The results of usability tests indicated that users encountered difficulties in finding various functionalities within the application. They faced the most challenge in locating the button to access their profile in the application, which could be addressed by implementing a link at the top right corner of the screen. Among other issues, participants experienced problems in finding the "Monthly fitness" functionality that was hidden. Introducing a search feature could alleviate problems with functionality discovery. When setting personal goals, participants noticed the button for goal setting but they overlooked the functionality's name. To enhance visibility, functionality labels should become more prominent; for instance, by using more contrasting colours that would quickly capture users' attention.

Keywords:eye-tracking, Strava, usability test, user experience, user interface design, self-tracking

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