
Govorno-jezikovni razvoj 3- in 4-letnikov : diplomsko delo
ID Zajc, Ana (Author), ID Skubic, Darija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem obravnavala govorni razvoj otrok, starih 3 in 4 leta. Opredelila sem govor in jezik, mišljenje in govor, teorije govornega razvoja, predstavila govorno-jezikovni razvoj predšolskega otroka, razvoj pripovedovanja zgodbe, govorne motnje, vpliv dejavnikov na razvoj govora ter vlogo vzgojitelja predšolskega otroka. Raziskava temelji na empiričnem pristopu, kjer sem z opazovanjem in analizo v vrtčevskem okolju zbrala podatke o govornem razvoju otrok. Otroci so bili vključeni v različne igre in dejavnosti, ki so bile zasnovane tako, da spodbujajo jezikovno izražanje in pripovedovanje zgodb. Analiza je vključevala deskriptivno in kavzalno neeksperimentalno metodo. Ocenjevanje otrok je potekalo s pripovedovanjem zgodbe Brundo se igra avtorja Marjana Mančka, s katero sem ocenila kakovost pripovedovanja otrokove zgodbe. Vključenih je bilo 6 deklic in 6 dečkov. Rezultati kažejo na pomembne govorno-jezikovne napredke pri otrocih. Ugotovila sem, da so deklice izboljšale svojo izreko, štirje od šestih dečkov pa ne. Tudi pri številu besed je v primerjavi s prvim in drugim pripovedovanjem od vseh 12 otrok napredovalo 11 otrok. Vse načrtovane dejavnosti so pozitivno vplivale na govorno-jezikovni razvoj otrok.

Keywords:govor, razvoj govora, razvojne jezikovne motnje, pripovedovanje zgodbe, vzgojitelj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Zajc
Number of pages:40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-153098 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:178093571 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.12.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Speech and Language Development in 3- and 4-Year-Olds
In my thesis, I dealt with the speech development of children aged 3 and 4. I will define speech and language, thinking and speech, theories of speech development, present the speech-language development of a preschool child, the development of storytelling, speech disorders, the influence of factors on speech development, and the role of a child's preschool teacher. The research is based on an empirical approach, where I collected data on children's speech development through observations and analysis in a kindergarten environment. The children were involved in a variety of games and activities designed to encourage language expression and storytelling. The analysis included descriptive and causal non-experimental methods. Children were assessed by telling the story Brundo se igra by author Marjan Manček, which I used to assess the quality of the child's story telling. 6 girls and 6 boys were included. The results show significant speech-language improvements in the children. I found that girls improved their speech, but four out of six boys did not. Even in terms of the number of words, compared to the first and second narrations, 11 children out of all 12 children were successful. All activity planning had a positive impact on the speech and language development of children.

Keywords:speech, speech development, developmental language disorders, storytelling, preschool teacher

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