In the master's thesis, we explore the expression of emotions through coloristic art creation, portraying it in a series of self-portraits. Our purpose is to find out what connections exist between specific colors and how we associate them with different emotions. Since the topic of the master's thesis is quite specific, we want to firstly focus on the basics and consequently elaborate on the concept of color; how to define as well as examine its color dimensions. We then study how we perceive works of Art based on the role of the senses and emotions. After that, we research Goethe’s and Runge’s color theory and compare them with each other. With the help of understanding the basics, we then move on to the characteristics of individual colors and their symbolic meanings, in order to explore what feelings each color evokes in us. We also want to find out what symbolic role colors have played in history. We discuss the expressive values of colors and their use in the artistic expression - in this chapter we elaborate on the characteristics of artistic representations of primary emotions and examine how we use different colors in the artistic symbolization of emotions.
We also want to connect the topic with the pedagogical aspect, so we focus on color in the school environment, research the role of color in classrooms and elaborate on the expressive value of color from a diagnostic point of view in children. The Master's thesis also includes a practical part, where we analyse author self-portraits.
This is followed by an empirical didactic part, where we conduct two lessons in primary school with younger and older students. In the art task, the students create a self-portrait with the technique of crayons and /or colored markers. Their task is to portray themselves in a happy state and themselves with feelings of sadness - taking into account their personal experience of perceiving colors. In the first part, the research approach is theoretical, and in the second, empirical part, it is qualitative. The sample includes students in 4th and 8th grade of elementary school. Data collection techniques are a group semi-structured interview in the form of a conversation before and after the workshop and documents that are - in our case, students' art creations.
This topic is worth researching, because we want to explore how children relate to colors combined with emotions, and at the same time remind them of the sensory-experiential aspect of color.