
Vpliv kitajske vladne cenzure na tajvansko filmsko industrijo
ID Simič, Nika (Avtor), ID Istenič, Saša (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Zgodba Tajvana je kompleksna in večplastna, njena naracija pa se spreminja glede na geografski in politični prostor. Eden izmed pomembnih načinov, s katerim se Tajvan poskuša vključiti in utrditi v mednarodnem prostoru je preko svoje bogate in pisane filmografije, ki se že od časa Novega vala s ponosom uveljavlja v globalnem prostoru. Čeprav je tajvanska filmska industrija sorazmerno uspešna, je izpostavljena vladni cenzuri Ljudske republike Kitajske (LRK), ki ogroža tako film, za katerega bi lahko rekli, da je državo-tvorni element, kot tudi samo delovanje in identiteto Tajvana. Diplomsko delo analizira tako posredne kot neposredne vplive cenzure vlade LRK na Tajvan preko filma. Namen dela je prikazati pomen filma in izražanje preko slednjega na Tajvanu ter ovrednotiti moč vpliva kitajske vladne cenzure, ki ga omejuje. Pregled in analiza virov sta me vodila do zaključka, da ima kitajska vladna cenzura pomemben vpliv na tajvanski film, ki pa ni nujno vedno negativen. Prestroga cenzura se je tako v preteklosti kot tudi danes izkazala za negativen dejavnik pri motiviranju lokalnih ustvarjalcev kot tudi tujih ustvarjalcev, ki so posledično odvrnjeni od sodelovanja. Tovrstna represija filmske umetnosti v LRK, pa je omogočila Tajvanu, da izkoristi nove priložnosti, kot na primer sporazum s platformo Netflix. Slednja je največja platforma pretočnih vsebin na globalnem trgu, na kateri Tajvan zasega prvo mesto v kitajsko-govorečih filmih. Kljub nekaterim pozitivnim ugotovitvam pa je pomembno, da se ozavesti tudi še tako nevarne vplive, ki jih vladna cenzura celinske Kitajske aktivno povzroča Tajvanu preko njegove industrije.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Tajvan, LRK, cenzura, filmska industrija, film
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-152959 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:13.12.2023
Število ogledov:294
Število prenosov:42
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Influence of Chinese Governmental Censorship on Taiwanese Film Industry
The story of Taiwan is complex and multifaceted, its narration changes depending on the geographic and political context. One of the significant ways in which Taiwan seeks to integrate and solidify its position in the international arena is through its rich and diverse filmography, which has proudly established itself on the global stage since the time of the New Wave. Although Taiwan's film industry is relatively successful, it is subject to censorship by the People's Republic of China (PRC) government, which jeopardizes both film, that could be considered nation-forming element by itself, and Taiwan's own operation and identity. This thesis examines both the indirect and direct influences of the PRC government's censorship on Taiwan through film. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the significance of film and its expression in Taiwan, while evaluating the strength of the impact of Chinese government censorship, which limits it. An overview and analysis of sources have led me to the conclusion that Chinese government censorship has a significant influence on Taiwanese cinema, which isn't necessarily always negative. Overly strict censorship has proven to be a negative factor in motivating local and foreign creators in the past and today, deterring them from participation. Such repression of film art in the PRC has enabled Taiwan to sieze new oppurtunities, such as the agreement with the Netflix platform. The latter is the largest streaming content platform in the global market, on which Taiwan takes the main lead in Chinese-language films. Despite some of the positive findings, it's important to recognize the most dangerous influences that mainland China's government censorship actively imposes on Taiwan through its industry.

Ključne besede:Taiwan, PRC, censorship, film industry, film

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