Within the scope of this doctoral dissertation study, phenotypes of three different varieties of hemp (Carmagnola Selected (CS), Tiborszallasi, and Finola Selection) were examined to investigate potential differences at the chemical and genetic levels. Individual phenotypes were initially compared based on their terpene and cannabinoid content. The highest content of essential oil was found in Finola Selection (2.81 mL/100 g dry weight). Calculating the average terpene content enabled the differentiation between varieties, but not between phenotypes. The exception were phenotypes within the CS variety. Phenotypes of Finola Selection had the highest content of cannabidiolic acid (CBD-A) (6.36-6.59 %), the highest content of tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THC-A) was in the TV phenotype (1.39 %). The average cannabinoid content distinguished the Finola Selection from the Tiborszallasi and CS varieties. Phenotypes of the CS variety were also distinguishable from one another. The highest antioxidant activity was in ethanol extract of Tiborszallasi (73.5 %). Antioxidant activity enabled the observation of differences between the phenotypes of the Finola Selection in both water and ethanol extracts. The highest total polyphenol content was in ethanol extracts of Finola Selection (27.7 mg GAE/g). Concerning the total polyphenol content, all phenotypes within individual varieties exhibited different characteristics in ethanol extracts, while only the phenotypes of the Tiborszallasi differentiated themselves in aqueous extracts. Based on the 4,631 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) that were selected, 4,537 capture probes were designed. Sequencing data were utilized to analyze the population structure allowing genotypes to be categorized into five distinct groups at the genetic level (one group at CS and two groups at Tiborszallasi and Finola Selection). Through a genome-wide association study (GWAS), 45 phenotypic traits were combined with 3,670 filtered SNP positions and a mixed linear model (MLM) analysis was done. Based on that analysis, Manhattan plots were made that illustrated the significant positions of SNPs for individual traits and identified the genes located at these positions. Most genes were not responsible for the synthesis of cannabinoids or components of essential oils.