The purpose of the master's thesis was research which is oriented into synthesis and characterization of a thin interface layer between titanium and gold. Within the experimental procedure, our goal was to create a layer of 24-karat gold or a layer which is based on phases from the Ti-Au system on commercially pure titanium (grade 4). During the work, we made three different samples prepared with three different techniques.
For the first sample, the gold layer was deposited with electroplating. The deposition was followed by microstructure analysis and thickness measurement of the deposited gold layer on a scanning electron microscope with FIB method. The second sample was made by dipping the sample into liquid 24-karat gold. We prepared our laboratory cell, which was made from silicate brick, into which we inserted a corundum crucible. The gold was melted, and the sample was left in the gold melt for 30 minutes at a temperature of 1250 °C and then for an additional 30 minutes at 1300 °C. After the experimental procedure, the microstructure and chemical composition of remelted gold and the sample on the titanium-gold phase boundary were investigated using a light and scanning electron microscope. The third sample was produced using Jupiter STA 449 thermal analysis device. The primary purpose of the device was to function as a reactor for the synthesis of a new alloy, as commercially pure titanium (grade 4) and 24-karat gold were inserted into the test crucible. At the same time as the synthesis, differential scanning calorimetry was performed. After the experiment, we analysed the microstructure and chemical composition using a scanning electron microscope. With the help of microstructure analysis and the presence of various phases from the Ti-Au system in the microstructure, the heating and cooling DSC curves were evaluated.