Title: Film as Propaganda in Selected Slovenian Newspapers from 1945 to 1948
This master's thesis examines film as a tool of propaganda in two of the most influential Slovenian newspapers – Ljudska pravica and Slovenski poročevalec, as well as in the literary magazine Tovariš between the years 1945 and 1948. During this time, cinematography began developing in Slovenia, and in 1946, Slovenians established their first film production company named Triglav film.
The research for this thesis involved reviewing newspaper articles that were printed between the years 1945 and 1948 which are related to Slovenian documentaries and live-action films and their propaganda role. Documentaries of that time were predominately filmed as newsreel productions. These were short films made for propaganda purposes to promote the ideology of socialism and were screened before the start of main feature films in cinemas across Slovenia. In 1948, Slovenians created their first feature art film Na svoji zemlji (Eng. On Our Own Land) which marked the start of the development of Slovene art film in Slovenia as well.
The propaganda aspect of film can be detected in the film's storyline, choice of director, producer and screenwriter, as well as in the work process itself. Based on the examination of the newspapers Ljudska pravica and Slovenski poročevalec as well as the magazine Tovariš, this master's thesis tries to pinpoint the propaganda the Slovene press spread with regards to Soviet and Yugoslav films and Hollywood productions. The thesis also describes the role that the department Agitprop of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Slovenia and the Ideological Committee of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Slovenia had in the development of Slovenian film.