
Satelitske mobilne storitve z neposredno povezljivostjo
ID VOŠNJAK, MARTIN (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Navadno človek ne pomisli, da bi za komunikacijske storitve, kot so telefoniranje ali prenašanje podatkov, uporabljal satelite. Vendar, če se znajde na oddaljenem delu Zemlje, stran od civilizacije, postane satelitska komunikacija ključnega pomena. Prav tako je koristna za potrebe vojske ter za storitve določenih podjetji. Vedno pogosteje se uporablja za storitve v primeru nesreč. V diplomskem delu najprej raziščem osnove satelitskih sistemov. Kakšni vse obstajajo in čemu so namenjeni. Opišem tudi razne splošne prednosti, slabosti, pomisleke ter omejitve raznih sistemov. Kasneje proučim obstoječe tehnologije, razvijajoče tehnologije ter koncepte za prihodnje sisteme, pri čemer se osredotočim tudi na zlivanje prizemnih in vesoljskih omrežij, kar je predvideno za šesto generacijo javnih mobilnih omrežij. Delo se konča z opisom, kaj lahko pričakujemo, ko ta tehnologija dodatno dozori ter približno kdaj bi se to lahko zgodilo.

Keywords:tirnica, satelit, pokritost, omrežje, 5G
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151241 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:168917507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Mobile satellite services with direct connectivity
Ordinarily, one does not think of using satellites for communication services such as telephone calls or data transmission. However, if you find yourself in a remote part of the Earth, away from civilisation, satellite communication becomes essential. It is also useful for the needs of the military and for the services of certain companies. It is increasingly being used for disaster services. In my thesis, I first examine the basics of satellite systems. What are they all like and what are they for. I also describe the various general advantages, disadvantages, concerns, and limitations of various systems. Later, I examine existing technologies, evolving technologies, and concepts for future systems, also focusing on the merging of terrestrial and space-based networks, which is planned for the sixth generation of public mobile networks. The work concludes with a description of what we can expect to see as this technology further matures and roughly when this might happen.

Keywords:orbit, satellite, coverage, network, 5G

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