
Sodobna rekonstrukcija oblačil hanfu: interakcija med sodobnimi modnimi trendi in rekonstruiranimi zgodovinskimi opravami : interakcija med sodobnimi modnimi trendi in rekonstruiranimi zgodovinskimi opravami
ID Knific, Ana (Author), ID Vampelj Suhadolnik, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Veselič, Maja (Comentor)

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Gibanje za obuditev oblačil hanfu, družbeno gibanje, ki se je začelo leta 2003 z namenom obuditve »tradicionalne kitajske kulture« je hanfu, zgodovinska oblačila iz časov cesarskih dinastij na Kitajskem, ponovno predstavilo širši javnosti sodobnega časa. Eden od glavnih začetnih ciljev gibanja, je bil preko oblačil hanfu izražati ter širšo (kitajsko) javnost osveščati o lastni kulturni identiteti, s poudarkom na hanski identiteti, ki je bila po mnenju nekaterih udeleženk_cev gibanja v zadnjih desetletjih potlačena. Gibanje je sprožilo tudi začetek večmilijonske industrije izdelave hanfujev, v kateri je mogoče najti tako izredno specializirane trgovine z luksuznimi, ročno narejenimi izdelki, kot take, ki so bolj dostopne povprečni_emu potrošnici_ku. S širjenjem gibanja je prišlo tudi do čedalje večjega povpraševanja po opravah hanfu, kar pomeni, da je pri produkciji prišlo do vizualnih in praktičnih prilagoditev, prav tako pa so se znotraj samega gibanja, ki se je sčasoma razvilo v nekaj bližjega modni subkulturi, razvili novi stili in t.i. moderni hanfuji, na dizajne katerih bolj očitno vplivajo tudi tekoči sodobni modni trendi. Tako kot gibanje samo, se je tudi hanfu preobrazil ne zgolj oblikovno pač pa tudi pomensko – iz simbola upora in kulturnega preporoda v gibanju v komercialni produkt, hkrati pa tudi sredstvo preko katerega lahko posameznice_ki izražajo lastno identiteto. Eden glavnih ciljev naloge je bil preko analize dveh spletnih trgovin ugotoviti do kolikšne mere se vpliv sodobnih modnih trendov kaže pri dizajnih modernih hanfujev, hkrati pa tudi ugotoviti, ali je izmenjava med sodobnimi modnimi trendi in modernimi hanfuji obojestranska. Glede na to, da so oblačila del izraza identitete vsake_ga posameznice_ka, pa je bil del naloge posvečen tudi ugotavljanju trenutne pozicije oblačil hanfu v globalni modni sferi, ter kot sredstva za zapolnitev vrzeli v kulturni identiteti kitajske mladine.

Keywords:hanfu, gibanje hanfu, moderna rekonstrukcija, tradicionalna oblačila, postmoderna identiteta
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Knific]
Number of pages:83 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-151033 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:169876995 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Modern reconstruction of hanfu clothing: mutual interaction between modern fashion trends and reconstructed historical clothing : diplomsko delo
The Hanfu movement, a social movement that started in 2003 with the purpose of re-awakening the »Chinese traditional culture«, has re-introduced Chinese historical clothing from the times of imperial dynasties – hanfu – to the general public. One of the movement’s initial goals was to, through hanfu clothing, raise awareness of one's own culture – with the focus being on the culture of the Han ethnic group – amongst the general (Chinese) public. The movement also set off a multimillion hanfu industry, in which both extremely specialised stores with luxurious handmade products and stores with products that are more within the budget of an average consumer can be found. With the movement’s growth and an increase in demand for hanfu clothing, certain visual and practical adjustments were made in the production of hanfu, as new styles developed within the movement, including the so-called modern hanfu, which was visibly more influenced by current fashion trends. Just as the movement itself, hanfu also transformed not only shape-wise but also meaning-wise – from a symbol of subversion and cultural rebirth, into a commercial product, while at the same time also being the means by which individuals could express their own identity. One of the main goals of this dissertation thesis was to, through analysis of two online stores, find out how much influence modern fashion trends have on modern hanfu designs and to discover whether there exists an interchange between the two. As clothing is a part of every individual’s self-expression, a part of this thesis is also devoted to finding out the position of hanfu clothing in the global fashion sphere, as well as a means of filling the void in the cultural identity of the Chinese youths.

Keywords:hanfu, the hanfu movement, modern reconstruction, traditional garments, postmodern identity

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