The aim of this thesis was to repeat the measurements of planting and to analyze the
changes described in the thesis of Belcl (2021) in the areas of the Forest Management Unit
Spodnje Dravsko polje. In addition, we inventoried natural regeneration and compared the
success of different types of seedling protection. The mortality of all seedlings varied
from 21% to 40% between years. The high mortality is attributed to transplant shock and
inadequate tending of the seedlings. All the tree species planted were found to be suitable
for planting, but there were differences between them based on the parameters studied.
The quality of the seedlings declined due to the lower density. The main damage to the
seedlings was caused by insects and fungi and by silvicultural work, which we identified
as problematic. In the artificially regenerated area, non-native tree species accounted for
35 % of the tree species mixture, despite tending. Hornbeam and other climax species
have established well since the first measurement. Protection of seedlings proved to be
necessary, as the seedlings protected by sleeves were the most vigorous and least
damaged. Artificial regeneration proved preferable to natural regeneration, as the naturally
regenerated stand was unevenly regenerated with a predominance of poor quality, less
marketable species.