The spouses may conclude between themselves any legal transaction which they enter into with other persons and, on that basis establish rights and obligations. Their close personal and emotional attachment may result in momentary decisions without much consideration, which can have long-term consequences on their lives and financial situation. In order to avoid such hasty decisions, the legislator has enacted a strict formality in the form of a notarial deed, which applies to the whole area of matrimonial property regimes between spouses, particularly to the conclusion of a contract on the matrimonial property regimes between spouses. The spouses will conclude marital property agreement when they wish to exclude the legal property regime and arrange their property relations in accordance with their needs, interests and wishes, during the duration of the marriage, as well as in the event of its termination. The notary plays an essential (preventive) role in the conclusion of such contracts, advising the parties conscientiously and honestly as an impartial and independent legal expert. Before concluding a marital property agreement on the regulation of property relations, the notary, as part of his explanatory duty, informs the parties about the legal property regime and the rights and obligations arising for them under the Family Code. Notary describes to the parties in an intelligible manner the content, legal consequences and the known and common risks associated with the conclusion of the contract. The contract on the regulation of marital property agreement must be entered in the Register of Contracts, kept by the Chamber of Notaries of Slovenia. If the contract is not entered in the register, in relation to third parties, it is considered that the legal property regime applies between the spouses. The notary also plays an important role in the field of divorces, as spouses who do not have children together, over whom they would exercise parental care, have been given the opportunity to conclude amicable divorces before a notary. One of the conditions for divorce is an agreement on the division of community property in the form of an (enforceable) notarial deed.