
Altruizem, sebičnost in skrb zase
ID Tič, Katarina (Avtor), ID Hribar Sorčan, Valentina (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Diplomsko delo se ukvarja z opredeljevanjem, razumevanjem, vrednotenjem in uporabo altruizma, sebičnosti in sorodnih pojmov. Naslanja se na ugotovitve filozofov in psihologov 19. in 20. stoletja, da sta koncepta (ne)sebičnosti močno obtežena z moralnimi sodbami in razumljena kot drug drugemu nasprotna. To je v preteklosti preprečevalo, da bi ju lahko zaobjeli na bolj kompleksen način. Preobrat v enoznačnem razumevanju sebičnosti je najprej prikazan skozi antično razumevanje skrbi zase, nato pa s filozofsko-antropološko analizo psiholoških teorij 20. stoletja. S tem so postavljeni temelji za raziskovanje, ki se razbohoti od prehoda v 21. stoletje dalje. Novi pojmovni kategoriji patološkega altruizma in zdrave sebičnosti pokažeta, da (ne)sebičnosti resnično ne moremo več razumeti kot enoumno shemo sebičnost = slaba in nesebičnost = dobra. Pojma dobita bolj nevtralen pomen, saj se ločita od imanentnih moralnih sodb. Naloga skuša dokazati, da ju je za celovito razumevanje najbolje razumeti kot drsnik med njuno »zdravo« in »patološko« različico. Nekje med obema ekstremoma se nahajajo dejanja ljudi v praksi. Nazadnje so teoretični premisleki aplicirani na konkreten primer fenomena #selfcare med pandemijo covida-19. Diplomsko delo skozi globalni trend skrbi zase raziskuje, če se splošno razumevanje (ne)sebičnosti dandanes obrača v prid sebičnosti.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:sebičnost, nesebičnost, egoizem, altruizem, skrb zase
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150842 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:172383235 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:24.09.2023
Število ogledov:829
Število prenosov:114
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Altruism, selfishness and self-care
The thesis deals with the definition, understanding, evaluation and use of altruism, selfishness and related concepts. It builds on the findings of the philosophers and psychologists of the 19th and 20th centuries that the concepts of (un)selfishness are heavily laden with moral judgments and are understood as opposites of each other. This has prevented them from being understood in a more complex way in the past. The turnaround towards an unequivocal understanding of selfishness is illustrated first through the ancient understanding of self-care, and then through a philosophical-anthropological analysis of the 20th-century psychological theories. This lays the foundations for the research that is flourishing from the turn of the 21st century onwards. The new conceptual categories of pathological altruism and healthy selfishness show that (un)selfishness can no longer be understood as a one-dimensional scheme of selfishness = bad and altruism = good. The concepts take on a more neutral meaning as they are separated from immanent moral judgments. The thesis seeks to show that, for a comprehensive understanding, they are best understood as a slider between their "healthy" and "pathological" versions. Somewhere between these two extremes lie the actions of people in practice. Finally, the theoretical considerations are applied to the real-life example of the #selfcare phenomenon during the covid-19 pandemic. Through the global trend of self-care, the thesis has researched whether the general understanding of (un)selfishness is nowadays turning in favour of selfishness.

Ključne besede:selfishness, unselfishness, egoism, altruism, self care

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