
Učenje uporabnih trikov pri konju
ID Sumper, Nika (Avtor), ID Jordan, Dušanka (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil s pomočjo pozitivnih ojačevalcev in po načelih Liberty metode dela, torej brez prisile, naučiti kobilo uporaben trik, da ob izrečenem ukazu ''aftra'' potisne glavo v oglavko, ki jo držimo z eno roko in si tako na nek način sama nadane oglavko. Ta vaja je zelo uporabna v primeru, če imamo prosto le eno roko, če je konj visok, skrbnik pa nižje rasti, ali če konj med natikanjem oglavke dviguje glavo. Kobili takšen princip učenja ni bil tuj, saj je bila že pred učenjem tega trika naučena različnih trikov. Učenje smo izvedli v petih korakih. V prvem koraku je bila kobila nagrajena le za dotik oglavke, v drugem koraku pa se je morala oglavke dotakniti ob glasovnem ukazu ''aftra''. V tretjem koraku smo jo naučili, da na ukaz ''aftra'' porine glavo v široki del oglavke, v četrtem koraku pa je morala ob ukazu ''aftra'' poriniti glavo skozi nosnik oglavke. V petem koraku se je kobila naučila počakati, dokler ji nismo nataknili oglavke za uhlji. S stopnjevanjem zahtevnosti skozi več korakov se je kobila uspešno naučila trik. Med učenjem smo imeli dva manjša zapleta. V drugem koraku je kobila, ne da bi ji za to dali ukaz, sama začela izvajati vajo in druge trike, da bi prej prišla do priboljškov. Zataknilo se je tudi pri četrtem koraku, saj kobila najprej ni točno razumela, kaj od nje želimo. Predvidevali smo, da bomo za učenje trika potrebovali 11 tednov. Kljub zapletom je kobila nalogo osvojila v dobrih 7 tednih. Uspešno smo odpravili tudi neželeno dvigovanje glave ob natikanju oglavke.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:konji, učenje, pogojevanje, ojačevalci, metode
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150812 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:166249987 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:24.09.2023
Število ogledov:422
Število prenosov:35
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Teaching a horse useful tricks
The aim of the thesis was to teach a mare a useful trick, namely to put her head in the halter held with one hand when the command "aftra" is given, using positive reinforcers and following the principles of the Liberty method, i.e. without being forced. In this way the mare would put the halter on by herself, so to speak. This exercise is very useful when we have only one hand free, if the horse is tall and the handler is short, or if the horse is raising its head while we are putting the halter on. The mare was no stranger to this learning principle, as she had already learned several tricks before learning this one. The training was carried out in five steps. In the first step, the mare was rewarded only for touching the halter, while in the second step she had to touch the halter when the voice command ''aftra'' was given. In the third step, she was taught to put her head into the wide part of the halter on the command ''aftra'', and in the fourth step, she had to put her head through the nasal part of the halter on the command ''aftra''. In the fifth step, the mare learned to wait until we placed the halter properly behind her ears. By increasing the difficulty level in several steps, the mare successfully learned the trick. During the learning process there were two minor complications. In the second step, without being told to do so, the mare started doing the exercise and other tricks on her own to get the treats sooner. The fourth step also caused problems because at first the mare did not understand exactly what we wanted her to do. We assumed it would take 11 weeks to learn the trick. Despite the complications, the mare mastered the task in just over 7 weeks. We also successfully eliminated the unwanted lifting of the head when putting on the halter.

Ključne besede:horses, teaching, conditioning, reinforcement, methods

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