
Svoboda v Ajshilovem Vklenjenem Prometeju in Shelleyjevem Osvobojenem Prometeju
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V diplomskem delu se osredotočam na Ajshilovo in Shelleyjevo obravnavo mita o Prometeju. Oba avtorja sta se naslonila na vklenjenega Prometeja na najvišjem vrhu Kavkaza in pri tem izpustila pripoved o razlogih za njegovo kazen, ki jo je v delih Teogonija in Dela in dnevi podal pesnik Heziod iz 7. stoletja pred našim štetjem. Razlog za Prometejevo kazen sta neenakost pri delitvi žrtvenih deležev v Mekoni in kraja ognja za ljudi. Vklenjeni Prometej (datum nastanka ni znan) in Osvobojeni Prometej (1820) pa se kljub številnim intertekstualnim navezavam med seboj precej razlikujeta. Uvodoma za lažje razumevanje literarnozgodovinskega konteksta na kratko predstavim bistvene značilnosti antične grške in romantične književnosti. Sprva se osredotočam na obravnavo Ajshilove tragedije. Ukvarjam se z vprašanjem Ajshilovega avtorstva, nekaterimi pomembnejšimi vsebinskimi elementi njegove tragedije in recepcijo mita pri grškem pesniku Heziodu. V nadaljevanju utemeljujem, zakaj je romantika po mnenju številnih literarnih teoretikov najpomembnejša za predelavo mita o Prometeju. Sledi primerjava dramskih zgradb in konflikta. Pri tem se opiram na Aristotelovo definicijo tragedije in Heglovo teorijo o tragiški spravi. V poglavju o karakterizaciji naslovnega junaka predstavim slednjega najprej prek tipa prevaranta, nato prek kulturnega heroja in nazadnje še prek ljubečega subjekta, ki se je uveljavil na prehodu iz 18. v 19. stoletje. Glavni namen diplomskega dela je s primerjavo literarnih del ugotoviti, ali je Zevsovo ravnanje do Prometeja upravičeno. Primarno izhajam iz konteksta etike in morale, družbenopolitičnih okoliščin ter pojma svobode v stari Grčiji in romantiki.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:grška dramatika, Ajshil, literarni miti, Prometej, romantika, Percy Bysshe Shelley
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Leto izida:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150794 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:167603971 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:23.09.2023
Število ogledov:1082
Število prenosov:47
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Freedom in Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound and Shelley's Prometheus Unbound
In my thesis, I focus on Aeschylus and Shelley's treatment of the Prometheus myth. Both authors rely on the story of Prometheus chained on the highest peak of the Caucasus, omitting the account of the reasons for his punishment given by the 7th century BC poet Hesiod in Theogony and Works and Days. The reason for Prometheus' punishment is the inequality in the sharing of the sacrificial shares in the Mekong and the theft of the fire from the people. The Prometheus Unlocked (date unknown) and the Prometheus Liberated (1820) are quite different, despite their many intertextual references. To help you understand the literary-historical context, let me begin by briefly outlining the essential features of ancient Greek and Romantic literature. Initially, I am focusing on the treatment of the tragedy of Aeschylus. I am concerned with the question of Aeschylus' authorship, with some of the more important thematic elements of his tragedy, and with the reception of myth in the Greek poet Hesiod. In what follows, I argue why, according to many literary theorists, the Romantic is the most important for the reworking of the Prometheus myth. The following is a comparison of the drama structures and the conflict. Here I draw on Aristotle's definition of tragedy and Hegel's theory of tragic reconciliation. In the chapter on the characterization of the title character, I introduce him first through the type of the deceiver, then through the cultural hero, and finally through the loving subject who came into his own at the turn of the 18th to the 19th century.

Ključne besede:Greek drama, Aeschylus, literary myths, Prometheus, romanticism, Percy Bysshe Shelley

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