
Celostna analiza vrednostne verige lesene gradnje v Franciji
ID Romih, Peter (Avtor), ID Kropivšek, Jože (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Panoga lesene gradnje pripomore k zmanjševanju in skladiščenju CO2 emisij ter vzpostavitvi krožnega gospodarstva. Za doseganje teh ciljev je potrebna visoka osredotočenost na regionalne vrednostne verige in vzpostavitev inovativnega ekosistema, ki lahko ustvari potrebne inovativne rešitve. Cilj diplomske naloge je celostna analiza vrednostne verige lesene gradnje v francoski regiji Novi-Akvitaniji. S tem namenom je bila izvedena strukturna analiza vrednostne verige, vključno z možnostmi ponovne uporabe in recikliranja. Analizirane so tudi strateške konkurenčne prednosti v verigi, ovire za vstop na trg, ovire pri poslovanju, sodelovanje med akterji, vpliv regulacij, ter vodstvene in koordinacijske vloge v verigi. Pri tem je posebej poudarjeno prepoznavanje ovir in priložnosti za integracijo procesov odprtega inoviranja. Podatki za analizo so bili zbrani s pregledom sekundarnih virov in s kvalitativno metodo globinskih intervjujev. Več kot polovica intervjuvancev je prepoznala odprto inoviranje kot močno konkurenčno prednost, ob tem pa so navedli številne ovire, ki zavirajo procese odprtega inoviranja. Stopnja zaupanja, sodelovanja in pretoka informacij v vrednostni verigi lesene gradnje ni na zadostnem nivoju za pristop k odprtem inoviranju. Intervjuvanci so poudarili tudi precej priložnosti za nadgradnjo verige lesene gradnje na področjih digitalizacije, upravljanja virov, krožnega gospodarstva, krepitev raziskovalnih in razvojnih aktivnosti ter povezovanja akterjev v verigi.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Vrednostna veriga, lesena gradnja, odprto inoviranje, krožno gospodarstvo, digitalizacija
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:BF - Biotehniška fakulteta
Založnik:[P. Romih]
Leto izida:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150331 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:166512643 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:16.09.2023
Število ogledov:1528
Število prenosov:43
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
ROMIH, Peter, 2023, Celostna analiza vrednostne verige lesene gradnje v Franciji [na spletu]. Diplomsko delo. P. Romih. [Dostopano 18 marec 2025]. Pridobljeno s: https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?lang=slv&id=150331
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Holistic analysis of the wood construction value chain in France
The wood construction industry contributes to the reduction and storage of CO2 emissions and the establishment of a circular economy. Achieving these goals requires a high focus on regional value chains and the establishment of an innovative ecosystem that can generate the necessary innovative solutions. The aim of this thesis is a comprehensive analysis of the wood construction value chain in the French region of New-Aquitaine. To this end, a structural analysis of the value chain was carried out, including the possibilities of reuse and recycling. This thesis also analysed strategic competitive advantages in the chain, barriers to market entry, barriers to doing business, cooperation between actors, the impact of regulations, as well as management and coordination roles in the chain. Above all, the emphasis has been placed on identifying obstacles and opportunities for the integration of open innovation processes. The data analysed has been collected through a literature review of secondary sources and through the qualitative method of in-depth interviews. More than half of the interviewees recognized open innovation as a strong competitive advantage, while at the same time they cited several obstacles, that inhibit open innovation processes. The level of trust, cooperation and flow of information in the wood construction value chain is not at a sufficient level for an open innovation approach. The interviewees also highlighted many opportunities for upgrading the wood construction value chain in the areas of digitization, resource management, circular economy, by strengthening research and development activities, and by connecting actors in the chain.

Ključne besede:Value chain, wood construction, open innovation, circular economy, digitization

Podobna dela

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  3. An intelligent agent-based architecture for resilient digital twins in manufacturing
  4. Distributed manufacturing systems with digital agents
  5. Artificial intelligence in bioengineering
Podobna dela v drugih slovenskih zbirkah:
  1. Industry 4.0 and the new simulation modelling paradigm
  2. Identification of identical twins in police procedures
  3. The comparison of motor development in twins
  4. Art expression of identical twins
  5. Using geostatical methods for the analysis of soil properties
