Within organizations, there often arises a need for specific improvements. The process of submitting suggestions for enhancements is currently carried out through
the exchange of electronic messages or oral communication and burdens employees with a lot of paperwork, which represents an inefficient and time-consuming
approach, lacking transparency and traceability of process steps. We will examine the correct procedures for managing business processes and apply them in the
process implementation in the technical segment of the thesis. We will employ the
InDoc EDGE digital platform to implement a standardized process named Proposal for Improvement, using the BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation)
framework. We will conduct a user experience analysis with five users and present
how the process will be utilized in companies. We will scrutinize its limitations
and endeavor to enhance its efficacy. Through the tangible enactment of such a
business process, facilitating digital submission and automated approval of proposals, we address the inefficiency, traceability, and transparency issues inherent
in the previously non-digitized process.