
Komunikacijski vmesnik motorjev satelitske antene zemeljske postaje
ID Šteblaj, Dominik (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je izdelava ustreznega programa za komunikacijo z motorji ki so del krmilnega sistema, tako da bo le-ta zagotavljal optimalno delovanje satelitske antene. Gre za praktičen primer, vezan na konkretno anteno za sprejem signala iz vesolja. Pri izvedbi diplomskega dela sem se osredotočil na odpravo pomanjkljivosti pri zaznavanju začetnega položaja motorja, ki usmerja anteno, kar je v preteklosti povzročalo fizične poškodbe antene zaradi udarcev ob tla. Ključni cilj je bil izdelati rešitev, ki bi v prihodnosti zahtevala čim manj popravkov in sprememb ter bi izpolnjevala naslednje zahteve, namenjene varnemu delovanju antene: (i) zagotavljanje stabilnosti, zanesljivosti in varnosti sistema (angl. Watchdog), (ii) določanje začetne lege motorjev (angl. Homing), (iii) omejitve gibanja (angl. Limite) in (iv) izklop v sili. Reševanja problema sem se lotil z analizo vzrokov za nastalo težavo. To sem storil (a) z opazovanjem dejanskega stanja, (b) s pomočjo intervjuvanja zaposlenih, ki so upravljali dotično anteno in (c) s proučevanjem relevantne literature. Na podlagi izsledkov analize ter ob upoštevanju navodila, da se uporabijo industrijski motorji SmartMotors, sem pričel s pisanjem kode. Pri tem sem uporabljal namensko programsko opremo Smart Motor Interface (SMI). Sledilo je fizično povezovanje, pri čemer je bil uporabljen industrijski standard za serijsko komunikacijo RS-485, ki omogoča prenos podatkov med več napravami preko dolgih razdalj.

Keywords:antena, satelit, krmiljenje, komunikacija, homing, limite
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-150059 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:164989955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Communication Interface for the Earth Station Satellite Antenna Motors
The aim of the thesis was to develop a suitable program for communicating with the motors that are part of the control system, so that it can ensure the optimum performance of the satellite dish. This is a practical example related to a specific antenna for receiving a signal from space. During the implementation of the thesis, I focused on eliminating the shortcomings in detecting the initial position of the motor that directs the antenna, which caused physical damage to the antenna due to hitting the ground. The crucial aim was to create a solution that would require as few corrections and changes as possible in the future and meet the following requirements for safe operation of the antenna: (i) ensure stability, reliability, and safety of the system (watchdog), (ii) return to home position (homing), (iii) movement restrictions (limits), and (iv) emergency shutdown. I begin to solve the problem by analyzing the root causes. This was done by (a) observing the actual situation, (b) interviewing the employees who steered the antenna, and (c) studying the relevant literature. Based on the results of the analysis and taking into account the instructions to use SmartMotors industrial motors, I started programming the code using the Smart Motor Interface software (SMI). This was followed by the physical connection to the industry standard RS-485 for serial communication, which allows the transfer of data between multiple devices over long distances.

Keywords:antenna, satelite, control, communication, homing, limits

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