
Psihoterapija oseb s telesno oviranostjo: doživljanje in izkušnje psihoterapevtov : magistrsko delo
ID Pupaher, Maša (Avtor), ID Žvelc, Gregor (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Literatura na področju terapevtovega doživljanja in izkušenj s psihoterapevtskim delom z osebami s telesno oviranostjo nakazuje na dve skupini izsledkov. Prva odpira vprašanja, kako telesna oviranost vpliva na teme, ki jih klient prinaša na terapevtsko srečanje, ter kako se te razlikujejo od tem klientov brez telesne oviranosti, druga skupina pa je vezana na raziskave o morebitnih modifikacijah metod in tehnik pri delu s klienti s telesno oviranostjo. Z namenom globljega razumevanja terapevtovega doživljanja in izkušenj z delom s tovrstnimi klienti sem raziskala, kako ter pod vplivom katerih dejavnikov se terapevtovo doživljanje klientove oviranosti spreminja skozi terapevtski proces, kako terapevti doživljajo ovire, s katerimi se ti posamezniki srečujejo, s kakšnimi dilemami se terapevti srečujejo pri delu s temi klienti in kateri dejavniki jim pomagajo pri razreševanju dilem ter kako se razlikujejo terapevtski proces, metode in tehnike pri terapevtskem delu s klienti z ali brez telesne oviranosti. V kvalitativni raziskavi je sodelovalo 11 udeležencev, od tega en moški in 10 žensk. Trije udeleženci so imeli izkušnjo s psihoterapevtskim delom z osebami z okvaro vida, dva z osebama z okvaro sluha, šest pa z osebami z gibalno oviranostjo. Podatke sem pridobila s pomočjo delno strukturiranega intervjuja, ki zajema šest sklopov vprašanj, podatke pa sem obdelala z metodo tematske analize. Rezultati so pokazali, da so bili pri terapevtih na začetku procesa prisotni občutki nekompetentnosti in številni neprijetni občutki, izkrivljena prepričanja o telesni oviranosti ter prevelika pozornost na telesno oviranost. Ob ovirah klientov so udeleženci poročali predvsem o neprijetnih občutkih. Dejavniki terapevta, terapevtskega odnosa ter supervizija in sodelovanje z drugimi strokovnjaki na področju telesne oviranosti so terapevtom pomagali pri strokovni in osebnostni rasti ter razreševanju dilem, povezanih z dostopnostjo terapevtskih prostorov, spremenljivostjo klientovega zdravstvenega stanja in ovirah, nevezanih na telesno oviranost. Za nadaljnje raziskovanje predlagam kvantitativni pristop, s katerim bi preverili pogostost in intenzivnost pojavljanja občutkov in prepričanj ter učinkovitost pomagajočih dejavnikov.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:psihoterapija, psihoterapevti, osebe s telesno oviranostjo, doživljanje, izkušnje
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FF - Filozofska fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Pupaher]
Leto izida:2023
Št. strani:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149947 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:168276227 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:12.09.2023
Število ogledov:755
Število prenosov:59
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Psychotherapy With People With a Physical disability: Psychotherapists Perception and Experiences
The literature in the field of a therapists perception of and experience with therapeutic treatment of persons with physical disabilities points to two groups of findings. The first group raises questions about how physical disability impacts the topics that a client discusses in the therapeutic session and how these topics differentiate from the topics brought by clients with no physical disability, while the second group is associated to research on potential modifications of methods and techniques used to treat clients with physical disabilities. With the aim to gain a deeper understanding of a therapists perception of and experience with the treatment of such clients, I studied how and under what factors a therapists perception of a clients physical disability evolves throughout the therapeutic process, how therapists experience obstacles faced by these individuals, what dilemmas therapists confront when working with such clients, what factors help them solve dilemmas and how the therapeutic process, methods in techniques used to treat clients with physical disabilities differ from those used to treat clients with no physical disability. The qualitative research comprised eleven participants, of which one was a man and ten were women. Three participants had conducted psychotherapeutic treatment of persons with visual impairment, two participants treated persons with hearing loss, and six participants worked with persons with motor disability. The data were acquired using a semi-structured interview comprising six sets of questions. The data was analysed by using the thematic analysis method. The results showed that, at the start of the process, therapists felt incompetent and overwhelmed with numerous unpleasant emotions. They also had distorted views on physical disability and devoted too great attention to physical disability. The participants mainly reported discomfort as far as their clients obstacles are concerned. The factors of the therapist, therapeutic relationship as well as supervision and participation with other experts in the field of physical disability helped therapists with their professional and personal growth and with the resolution of dilemmas associated to the accessibility of therapeutic treatment areas, the variable nature of a clients health condition and obstacles not associated to physical disability. I recommend adopting the quantitative approach for further research, as it would allow to examine the frequency and intensity of emotions and views as well as the effectiveness of helpful factors.

Ključne besede:psychotherapy, psychotherapists, persons with physical disabilities, perception, experiences

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