
Duševno zdravje moških z vidika spolno specifične socializacije: primer uporabnikov dnevnega centra : diplomsko delo
ID Krenker, Zala (Author), ID Sobočan, Ana Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ljudje se med spolno specifično socializacijo naučimo praks in vedenj, ki ustrezajo našemu pripisanemu spolu, kar vpliva na to, da moški in ženske razvijejo različne stile čustvovanja. Za osebe ženskega spola je izražanje stisk na zunaj družbeno sprejemljivo, medtem ko se pri osebah moškega spola izražanje čustev povezuje s tveganjem o dvomljivosti njihove moškosti. Razlike med spoloma se kažejo tudi v statistiki samomorov, saj moški zaradi samomora umrejo do štirikrat pogosteje kot ženske. V diplomski nalogi me je tako zanimalo, kako moški krepijo svoje duševno zdravje, kdaj poiščejo pomoč, kakšno vlogo ima pri tem stigmatizacija in v kolikšni meri na iskanje pomoči vpliva spolno specifična socializacija. Za namen raziskovanja sem izvedla kvalitativno raziskavo, saj sem prek intervjujev zbirala opisne podatke. Populacijo v raziskavi predstavljajo osebe moškega spola, ki so bile v času zbiranja podatkov, to je od 24. 11. 2022 do 19. 1. 2023, vključene v program dnevnega centra s področja duševnega zdravja. Vzorec je priročen in neslučajnosten, predstavljajo pa ga moški uporabniki enega od dnevnih centrov v severovzhodni Sloveniji. Raziskava je pokazala, da intervjuvanci krepijo svoje duševno zdravje s pomočjo počitka in telesnih aktivnosti, kar je tudi eden izmed razlogov za vključitev v dnevni center. Ob nastanku duševnih stisk se najraje obrnejo na neformalno podporo družine in prijateljev ter formalno podporo strokovnih služb. Čeprav intervjuvanci zaznavajo nekatere razlike med spoloma, spolno specifični socializaciji v kontekstu duševnega zdravja ne pripisujejo pomembne vloge. Sodelujoči v raziskavi so pomoč poiskali nesamoiniciativno, in sicer takrat, ko so njihove stiske že napredovale. Pri tem so navajali, da je imela bistveno vlogo neformalna podpora, ki so jo imeli takrat na voljo, saj je pripomogla k vključitvi v proces pomoči. Intervjuvanci so zaradi težav v duševnem zdravju deležni stigme, vendar to ne vpliva na njihov odnos do pomoči, saj jo dojemajo kot pomemben dejavnik za »normalno« življenje.

Keywords:duševno zdravje, stigma, dnevni center, spol, spolno specifična socializacija, moškost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[Z. Krenker]
Number of pages:51 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149924 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:202200835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Men's mental health from the perspective of gender - specific socialisation: example of the users of day centre : diplomsko delo
People learn practices and behaviours that correspond to their assigned gender during gender - specific socialisation, which influences the development of different emotional styles in men and women. Expressing distress outwardly is socially acceptable for individuals of the female gender, while emotional expression is associated with the risk of doubting their masculinity for individuals of the male gender. Gender differences are also evident in suicide statistics, as men die by suicide up to four times more frequently than women. In my thesis, I was therefore interested in how men strengthen their mental health, when they seek help, the role of stigma in this process, and to what extent sex-specific socialization influences helpseeking behaviours. For the purpose of research, I conducted qualitative research by collecting descriptive data through interviews. The population in the research consists of male individuals who were enrolled in a mental health day centre programme at the time of data collection, from November 24, 2022, to January 19, 2023. The sample is convenient and nonrandomized, comprising male users of one of the day centres in North-Eastern Slovenia. The research showed that interviewees improve their mental health with rest and physical activities, which is also one of the reasons for joining the day centre. When mental distress occurs, they prefer to turn to informal support from family and friends, as well as formal support from professional services. Although interviewees perceive some gender differences, they do not attribute a significant role to gender - specific socialisation in the context of mental health. The participants in the research did not seek help on their own initiative, mainly when their mental health problems had already progressed. They stated that the informal support they had played an essential role, as it helped to integrate them into the aid process. The interviewees are stigmatized due to their mental health problems, although this does not affect their attitude towards help, as they perceive it as an important factor for a “normal” life.

Keywords:mental health, stigma, day centre, gender, gender-role socialisation, masculinity

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