
Legenda o nastanku Tržiča v kratkem animiranem filmu
ID Peharc, Lina (Avtor), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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Diplomsko delo predstavlja izdelavo 2D animiranega kratkega filma na podlagi legende o nastanku Tržiča, pri čemer smo uporabili računalniške programe Adobe za izdelavo grafike, animacije in postprodukcijo. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti in opisati postopek izdelave 2D animacije, ki se začne s prvotno idejo in skicami, nadaljuje s preučevanjem prostorskega in zgodovinskega konteksta pripovedi, ter vključuje izdelavo snemalne knjige, načrtovanje kadrov, likov in ozadij, animiranje in dodajanje zvočnega zapisa legende. Najprej smo opredelili pojem animacije ter predstavili različne vrste animacij in opis postopkov pri izdelavi animiranega filma. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili predvsem na računalniško animacijo in na računalniške programe za izdelavo animacij. Sledi predstavitev legende o nastanku Tržiča in njene povezave z zgodovinskim dogodkom skalnega podora s pobočja Košute ter z ljudskim izročilom. Legenda o nastanku Tržiča predstavlja del nesnovne kulturne dediščine, ki kraju daje identiteto in povezuje ljudi. Izdelava kratkega animiranega filma na vizualno atraktiven način predstavlja odlično priložnost, da se legenda približa ljudem in prispeva k ohranjanju izročila. Praktični del diplomskega dela opisuje celoten postopek izdelave kratkega animiranega filma in se osredotoča na dokumentacijo in proces dela z grafično tablico ter delo v računalniških programih Adobe: Photoshop, Animate, After Effects in Media Encoder ter Studio One za zvok. Rezultat diplomskega dela je animacija legende, ki jo spremlja zvočna pripoved v gorenjskem narečju, kot ga govorijo v Tržiču. V zaključku smo analizirali rezultate dela in kratki animirani film ovrednotili, pri čemer smo upoštevali kakovost animacije, zvočne obdelave in učinkovitosti v sporočanju sporočila legende.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:2D animacija, kulturna dedišcina, legenda, oblikovanje likov
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2023
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-149180 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:05.09.2023
Število ogledov:329
Število prenosov:179
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Legend of origin of Tržic in short animated film
The diploma thesis presents the creation of a 2D animated short film based on the legend of the origins of Tržic, utilising Adobe software for graphics, animation and post-production. The objective of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire process involved in producing a 2D animation. From the initial idea and sketch to recording book creation, planning shots, character and background development, and animating and sound recording integration, every step is meticulously explored. First, the concept of animation is introduced, along with various types of animations. The diploma thesis focuses mainly on computer animation and software programs used for animation production, and describes the procedures for creating an animated film. The following section presents the legend of the origins of Tržic, highlighting the connection between the folk tradition and the historical event of the rock fall from the Košuta slope. The legend is an essential part of the intangible cultural heritage of Tržic, defining the town's identity and fostering a sense of community. Transforming this legend into a short animated film not only brings the community closer but also contributes to the preservation of its cultural heritage. The experimental part of the thesis documents the workflow process of working with a graphics tablet and Adobe software tools, such as Illustrator, After Effects and Animate. The process covers the complete workflow, from initial sketches to the final production stages. The diploma thesis culminates in a short animated film that presents the legend accompanied by an audio narrative in the distinctive Gorenjska dialect spoken in Tržic. The thesis concludes with a comprehensive analysis of the completed work, including a critical evaluation of the short animated film. The evaluation takes into account the quality of animation, sound design, and overall effectiveness in conveying the legend’s message.

Ključne besede:2D animation, cultural heritage, legend, character design

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