
Proučevanje sestave in lastnosti izbranih komercialno dostopnih šamponov
ID Brodnik, Mihela Rafaela (Author), ID Planinšek, Odon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Planinšek Parfant, Timeja (Comentor)

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Zelo velik del trga lasne kozmetike zavzemajo šamponi. Danes, poleg njihove primarne funkcije čiščenja las in lasišča, od šamponov pričakujemo in zahtevamo še dodatne lastnosti: prijeten vonj in izgled izdelka, kar najboljšo nego las in lasišča, primeren občutek med uporabo (viskoznost, dobro penjenje) ter po uporabi gladke, mehke in sijoče lase. V diplomskem delu smo preučili sestavine in nekatere fizikalno-kemijske lastnosti petnajstih različnih komercialno dostopnih šamponov za lase. Eksperimentalno smo določali njihove reološke lastnosti, okvirno sestavo lahko hlapnih sestavin, organskih in anorganskih snovi ter natančno vsebnost vode. Vsi preučevani izdelki so bili v tekoči obliki, ki je najbolj razširjena na trgu lasne kozmetike. Z uporabo baze podatkov CosIng, ki vsebuje informacije o sestavinah kozmetičnih izdelkov, smo posameznim sestavinam določili njihovo primarno vlogo v posameznem šamponu. Veliko sestavin ima lahko več kot eno vlogo v formulaciji, zato smo raziskovali tudi njihove multifunkcionalnosti. Viskoznost šamponov smo ovrednotili z modularnim reometrom. Ugotovili smo, da vsi preučevani izdelki izkazujejo ne-Newtonsko obnašanje, se pa zelo razlikujejo glede začetnih vrednosti viskoznosti. Za določanje okvirne sestave šamponov smo vzorce analizirali s termogravimetrom. Raziskovali smo vsebnost lahko hlapnih sestavin ter organskih in anorganskih snovi. Zanimalo nas je kolikšen delež posameznega šampona predstavlja le voda, ki pa je s termogravimetrično analizo ne moremo zanesljivo določiti. Zato smo v ta namen izvedli Karl Fischerjevo titracijo. Nato smo rezultate vseh meritev primerjali s sestavo šamponov. Ker je bila voda glavno topilo v vseh izbranih oblikah šamponov, je bila njena vsebnost glede na vsebnost ostalih sestavin pričakovano največja. Sledijo organske snovi, najmanjši delež preiskanih šamponov pa predstavljajo anorganske snovi, katerih najpogostejši zastopnik je bilo zgoščevalo NaCl. Voda in NaCl imata dokaj veliko vlogo pri zagotavljanju ustrezne viskoznosti šamponov. Izdelki z najmanjšim deležem anorganskih snovi so imeli najnižjo viskoznost, formulacije z manj vode pa so izkazovale višje vrednosti viskoznosti.

Keywords:lasje, nega las, šamponi za lase, viskoznost, termogravimetrična analiza, Karl Fischerjeva titracija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148733 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Studying the composition and properties of selected commercially available shampoos
Shampoos represent one of the biggest parts of the hair cosmetics market. Today, apart from their primary function of cleaning the hair and scalp, shampoos are expected and demanded to have additional properties: aesthetic appearance and pleasant smell of the product, the best hair and scalp care, a good sensation during use (viscosity and good lathering) and smooth, soft, and shiny hair after use. During the diploma work, we have examined the ingredients and some of the physico-chemical properties of fifteen different commercially available shampoos. We experimentally determined the rheological properties, the approximate composition of volatile components, organic and inorganic substances, and the exact water content. All studied shampoos were in liquid form, which is the most widespread on the hair cosmetics market. By using the CosIng database, which contains information on the ingredients of cosmetic products, we identified the primary role of individual ingredient in each shampoo. Since many ingredients can have more than one role in the formulation, we also investigated their multifunctionality. We evaluated the viscosity of shampoos with a modular rheometer. We found that all studied products exhibit non-Newtonian behavior but differ greatly in terms of initial viscosity values. To determine the approximate composition of the shampoos, we analysed the samples with a thermogravimeter. We studied the content of volatile components, organic and inorganic substances. We wanted to establish what proportion of each shampoo is only water, which cannot be reliably determined with thermogravimetric analysis. We performed a Karl Fischer titration for this purpose. We then compared the results of all measurements with the composition of the shampoos. Since water was the main solvent of liquid shampoos, its content was expectedly the highest compared to the content of other ingredients. The water content is followed by organic substances, while the smallest share of studied shampoos is represented by inorganic substances, the most common representative of which was the thickener NaCl. Water and NaCl play a relatively large role in ensuring the appropriate viscosity of shampoos. The products with the lowest proportion of inorganic substances had the lowest viscosities, while formulations with less water showed higher viscosity values.

Keywords:hair, hair care, hair shampoos, viscosity, thermogravimetric analysis, Karl Fischer titration

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