
Svetovalno delo s srednješolci z manj socialnimi stiki : magistrsko delo
ID Verčnik, Nina (Avtor), ID Poštrak, Milko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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O srednješolcih z manj socialnimi stiki je bilo narejenih nekaj raziskav, vendar te niso naslavljale vseh srednješolcev, ki imajo lahko manj socialnih stikov iz kakršnihkoli razlogov, temveč posamezne skupine, kot so npr. srednješolci, ki so prezrti, zavrnjeni, osamljeni, ali srednješolci, ki imajo introvertirano osebnost. Prav tako niso vsi srednješolci z manj socialnimi stiki opredeljeni v literaturi. V socialnem delu za to skupino ljudi še ni bila narejena raziskava, ki bi zajela vsakdanje težave omenjenih srednješolcev in z njihove perspektive odkrila, kako se ti počutijo tekom šolskega vsakdana, kaj potrebujejo, s kakšnimi morebitnimi težavami se srečujejo in kako bi jim lahko svetovalna služba pomagala, da bi se počutili bolj socialno sprejeti. Ker tovrstna raziskava še ni bila narejena in ker so me zanimali odgovori na prej omenjena vprašanja, sem izvedla raziskavo na kvalitativen način, da sem prejela besedne opise. Odgovore sem želela prejeti iz prve roke, se pravi neposredno od srednješolcev samih, sprva če sebe sploh vidijo kot srednješolce z manj socialnimi stiki, ker sem jih povabila k sodelovanju na podlagi mnenja drugih oseb (svetovalne službe, njihovih staršev, znancev), ki so jih videli kot take. Z izbranimi desetimi srednješolci sem opravila intervjuje, ki sem jih nato obdelala na kvalitativen način z odprtim in osnim kodiranjem. Teoretska izhodišča, ki sem jih uporabila za lažje razumevanje skupine srednješolcev, ki jo raziskujem, in raziskovalnih vprašanj, predstavljajo povzetek osnovnošolskega in srednješolskega izobraževanja ter svetovalnega dela. Nato opišem socialno sprejetost in dejavnike, ki vplivajo nanjo, življenjski svet mladostnika in dejavnike, ki vplivajo nanj (tako zunanje kot notranje), ter povzamem raziskave, ki so že bile narejene na podobno tematiko. Iz rezultatov sem ugotovila, da ni nujno, da drugi prepoznajo srednješolca z manj socialnimi stiki oz. da niso vsi srednješolci, za katere so drugi menili, da so srednješolci z manj socialnimi stiki, tudi sami takšnega mnenja. Iz navedenega je razvidno, da je težko prepoznati srednješolca z manj socialnimi stiki. Od razlogov, da ima nekdo manj stikov, jih je največ navedlo težave pri vzpostavljanju stika, nekateri so kot razlog navedli interese in vrednote ter razne osebnostne lastnosti, kot so sramežljivost, nekomunikativnost, introvertiranost in druge lastnosti, zaradi katerih utegnejo imeti manj socialnih stikov. Med možnimi razlogi so se pojavili tudi vplivi zunanjih dejavnikov oz. vplivi iz okolice (s strani staršev, sošolcev, profesorjev …). Vse to nakazuje na to, kako kompleksni so razlogi za to, da ima nekdo manj stikov in da se običajno ti razlogi med seboj tudi prepletajo. Vendar pa ni bilo razbrati neposrednega vpliva števila socialnih stikov z učno uspešnostjo. Pri pojavu predsodkov in stereotipov je bilo ugotovljeno, da so srednješolci z manj socialnimi stiki teh običajno bolj pogosto deležni. Pri pojavu nadlegovanja in medvrstniškega nasilja povezava ni tako neposredna. Iz rezultatov namreč ni razbrati, da bi vedno srednješolci z manj socialnimi stiki bili tisti, ki so deležni več nadlegovanja in nasilja. Izkazalo se je, da je več dejavnikov, ki lahko vplivajo na to. Kar se tiče pouka, rezultati kažejo na to, da si mnogi srednješolci želijo sprememb pri obliki in načinu izvajanja pouka, vendar ni razbrati, da bi na potrebe po spremembah vplivalo število socialnih stikov. So pa nekateri srednješolci izpostavili problem, s katerim se soočajo srednješolci z manj socialnimi stiki, in sicer to, da so izpostavljeni pri oblikovanju skupin in v primeru, da jih svetovalna služba izvzame iz razreda. Glede možnih načinov pomoči s strani svetovalne službe za srednješolce z manj socialnimi stiki so bila mnenja deljena. Nekateri srednješolci menijo, da bi jim svetovalna služba lahko pomagala z organiziranjem krožkov ali drugih dejavnosti, s svetovanjem oz. več osebne pomoči, medtem ko so drugi srednješolci mnenja, da bi bilo najbolje, da svetovalna služba srednješolce z manj socialnimi stiki pusti pri miru in ne posega v njihov način življenja oz. da srednješolec z manj socialnimi stiki sam najbolje ve, kaj je dobro zanj. To nakazuje na potrebo po uporabi koncepta delovnega odnosa, v katerem je uporabnik ekspert iz lastnih izkušenj. Glede na rezultate predlagam, da se svetovalnim delavkam in profesorjem omogoči izobraževanje in ozaveščanje o težavah, s katerimi se lahko soočajo srednješolci z manj socialnimi stiki, da jim bodo znali ustrezno pomagati in jih ne bodo dodatno izpostavljali. Prav tako bodo z ustreznim ravnanjem dajali zgled njihovim sošolcem in drugim vrstnikom. Na ta način bi se lahko zmanjšala izpostavljenost, morebitni predsodki, stereotipi, nadlegovanje in nasilje nad srednješolci z manj socialnimi stiki. Svetovalna služba bi morala z njimi osebno delati bolj pogosto, vendar zopet previdno, da ne bi prišlo do izpostavljanja. Če bi se svetovalna služba promovirala na šoli in se predstavila v dobri luči, je tudi večja verjetnost, da si bodo srednješolci upali poiskati pomoč. Iz rezultatov je razbrati tudi potrebo po sodelovanju svetovalne službe s profesorji, da so tudi ti ozaveščeni o težavah srednješolcev z manj socialnimi stiki. Glede na obremenjenost svetovalnih delavk je predlog tudi ta, da bi na šolah bilo zaposlenih več svetovalnih delavk oz. da bi se jih kako drugače razbremenilo.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:srednješolci, stiki, introvertirani, svetovalna služba, vzgoja in izobraževanje, socialno delo
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FSD - Fakulteta za socialno delo
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[N. Verčnik]
Leto izida:2023
Št. strani:162 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-148429 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:194728195 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:23.08.2023
Število ogledov:674
Število prenosov:19
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Counselling Work with Secondary School Students with Fewer Social Contacts
Although some studies have been conducted on high school students with fewer social contacts, i.e., lack of social interactions, these have not addressed all high school students, who may have fewer social contacts for whatever reasons, but rather specific groups, such as high school students who are ignored, rejected, lonely or high school students who have an introverted personality. Likewise, not all high school students with lack of social interactions are identified in the literature. No studies have yet been carried out in the context of social work for this group of people to capture the everyday problems of these secondary school students and to find out, from their perspective, how they feel about their everyday school life, what they need, what possible problems they face and how counselling might help them to feel more socially accepted. As this kind of research had not been carried out before, and as I was interested in the answers to the questions mentioned above, I carried out a qualitative study in order to obtain verbal descriptions. I wanted to get first-hand answers, i.e., directly from secondary school students - if they see themselves as secondary school students with fewer social contacts at all. I therefore invited them to participate on the basis of the opinions of other people (counselling service, their parents, acquaintances) who saw them as secondary school students with fewer social contacts. I conducted interviews with ten selected secondary school students, which were then processed in a qualitative way using open and axial coding. The theoretical background I have used for a better understanding of the group of secondary school students I am researching and the research questions is a summary of primary and secondary education and counselling work. Next, I outline social acceptance and the factors that influence it, the adolescent's life-world and the factors that influence it (both external and internal), and summarise previously conducted studies on similar topics. Based on the results, I found that not necessarily all secondary school students with fewer social contacts are necessarily identified by others as having lack of social interactions, or not all secondary school students who were perceived by others as having fewer social contacts feel this way themselves. It is clear from the above that it is difficult to identify a secondary school student with lack of social interactions. Among the reasons why someone has fewer contacts, most of them mentioned difficulties in making contact, some of them mentioned interests and values and various personality traits such as shyness, non-communicativeness, introvertedness and others that might lead them to have fewer social contacts. Other possible reasons included the influence of external factors or influences from the environment (parents, classmates, teachers, etc.). All of this points to the complexity of the reasons why someone has fewer contacts, and that these reasons are usually intertwined. However, I have not been able to find a direct correlation between the number of social contacts and academic performance. When it comes to prejudice and stereotypes, it was found that secondary school students with fewer social contacts are more likely to experience them. In the case of bullying and peer violence, the link is not so direct. In fact, the results do not suggest that secondary school students with fewer social contacts are always the ones who will experience more bullying and violence. Several factors appear to play a part in this. With regard to classes, the results show that many secondary school students would like to see changes in the format and delivery of classes, but the number of social contacts does not seem to have an impact on the need for change. However, some secondary school students have highlighted the problem faced by secondary school students with fewer social contacts, namely that they are exposed when forming groups and if they are removed from the class by the counselling service. Opinions were divided on how the counselling service could help secondary school students with fewer social contacts. Some secondary school students thought that the counselling service could help them by organising clubs or other activities, by counselling or by providing more personal support. While other secondary school students think that it would be best for the counselling service to leave the secondary school students with lack of social interactions alone and not interfere in their lifestyle, or that a secondary school student with lack of social interactions knows best what is good for him/her. This suggests the need to use the concept of a working relationship in which the user is the expert from his or her own experience. According to the results, I suggest that counsellors and teachers be given training and awareness-raising on the problems that secondary school students with fewer social contacts may face, so that they will be able to help them appropriately and not expose them further. They will also set an example to their classmates and other peers by acting appropriately. In this way, exposure, potential prejudice, stereotyping, bullying and violence against secondary school students with fewer social contacts could be reduced. The counselling service should work more on a personal level with secondary school pupils with fewer social contacts, but carefully to avoid exposing them. Promoting the counselling service in the school and presenting it in a positive light would increase the likelihood that secondary school students would dare to seek help. The results also show the need for the counselling service to work with teachers so that they are also aware of the problems of secondary school students with lack of social interactions. With regard to the workload of the counsellors, another suggestion is that more counsellors should be employed in schools or that they should be relieved in other ways.

Ključne besede:secondary school students, contacts, introverted, counselling service, education and training, social work

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