We analysed the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on borrowing in the Mobile Library of the Srečko Vilhar Central Library in Koper. The main aim of the study was comparing the borrowing before, during and after the epidemic. The borrowing analysis was based on the statistical data from the COBISS system and from the annual library reports. In comparison with the time before the epidemic, the number of borrowed units is now lower for 38 %, the number of active library members for 33 % and the number of new members for 34 %. The most active members are still primary school children, employees and senior citizens, who also borrow the materials most frequently. Both before and after the epidemic the most frequently borrowed thematic fields are fiction, arts and sport, while the least borrowed are rhetoric, linguistics and religion. Borrowing was significantly lower on the stops next to schools and in some smaller villages. Besides borrowing, the number of returns was also lower (for 45 %). The number of extensions made on the bus has lowered for 37 %, however the extensions made online are now fourteen times higher than before. There were also more reservations and interdepartmental borrowings. The research findings can help the Mobile Library of Koper at organizing their activities in the future.