The first part of the master's thesis presents youth literature as one of the literary genres. This is followed by a brief presentation of Slovenia and Bulgaria and a description of the characteristics and historical development of youth literature in both countries.
In the second part, the fairy tale is defined. Two fundamental encyclopaedic works in the field of fairy tale classification are presented – The Types of International Folktales. A Classification and Bibliography (2004) by Hans - Jörg Uther and The Type Index of Slovenian Folktales (2005) by Monika Kropej Telban. In master's thesis, the animal tale is described in more detail. It is presented an overview of the Bulgarian fairy tales, which are translated in Slovenian and Slovenian fairy tales, which are translated in Bulgarian. The book with Bulgarian animal tales, translated in Slovenian, Petelinček Kratkorepec in druge bolgarske ljudske o živalih (2018, Dimitrov) is present more precisely. There are five most known approaches to the study of fairy tales – literary, folklorist, structuralist, psychoanalytic, sociologic and feminist. The Swiss literary scientist Max Lüthi's theory is based on five characteristics: one-dimensionality, depthlessness, abstract style, isolation and universal interconnection, sublimation and all-inclusiveness.
The empirical part contains comparative analysis of Slovenian and Bulgarian animal tales of the same ATU-type. The comparative analysis is based on the five characteristics of Lüthi's literary theory. The animal tales were also compared by the pupils of the 4th grade of the Ob Rinži primary school, using a table prepared in advance.