We investigate the impact of 3D printing technology of thermoplastic composites reinforced with long unidirectional glass fibers on the tensile and bending strength, where we compare the results obtained by experimental testing and numerical simulation. In the first part of the assignment, we analysed the material properties of the base material and fibers. We determined the material parameters and calculated the elastic parameters for orthotropic properties of the reinforcing fibers using the semi-empirical Chamis model. After that, we determined the geometry of the test specimens, where we observed the influence of the printed direction, and the geometry of the composite specimens, where we considered the alternating and condensed distribution of reinforcements across the cross-section. The resulting printed test pieces were subjected to tension and bending, and their response was observed. The obtained results were compared with the results of numerical simulations, where reinforcements were evaluated using the membrane method, the beam method and the composite layout method. By comparing the results, we found that the 3D printing technology has a great influence on the final strength of the composite, where delamination occurs due to the weak contact between the matrix and the fiber.