
Psihična odpornost beguncev na srednje sredozemski poti : magistrsko delo
ID Hodžić, Admira (Author), ID Zorn, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Begunci, ki prihajajo v Evropo, se srečujejo s številnimi težavami. Poleg travmatičnih dogodkov, ki so jih doživeli v svoji državi, se trpljenje nadaljuje. Tako so na poti pogosto ogrožena njihova življenja in zdravje. Srednje sredozemska ruta je ena najnevarnejših pomorskih poti v Evropo. Razteza se od podsaharske Afrike do Italije. V zelo slabih razmerah begunska pot včasih traja več kot eno leto in jo spremljajo lakota, nasilje in prevare tihotapcev, lokalnega prebivalstva in oblasti, ki jih nedolžno zadržujejo v zaporih ali izkoriščajo za prisilno delo. Tiste, ki pot preživijo, ob prihodu v Evropo čakajo nove težave, kot so strah pred vrnitvijo, rasizem, zapleteni postopki pridobivanja dokumentov ipd. Tudi po nekaj letih bivanja v Evropi se še vedno spopadajo z rasizmom, ko iščejo službo, stanovanje ali ko poskušajo pokazati svoje talente in izpolniti svoj polni potencial. Čeprav se vsakodnevno soočajo z morebitnimi travmatičnimi dogodki, številni begunci kažejo znake visoke psihološke odpornosti. V svoji magistrski nalogi bom s Connor-Davidsonovo lestvico odpornosti merila stopnjo odpornosti posameznikov in s polstrukturiranim intervjujem ugotavljala, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na krepitev njihove odpornosti, ter raziskovala vpliv integracije in religije na odpornost. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela bom govorila o duševnem zdravju beguncev, travmi in PTSM. V nadaljevanju bom definirala odpornost, navajala različna mnenja in teorije o njej ter se osredotočala na predhodne raziskave odpornosti beguncev. V empiričnem delu bom predstavila ugotovitve kvalitativne in kvantitativne raziskave, in sicer Connor-Davidsonove lestvice odpornosti in polstrukturiranih intervjujev, ki sem jih opravila z devetimi udeleženci na Siciliji, ki v Evropo prihajajo iz Afrike po srednje sredozemski poti. Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo pomen vere kot dejavnika odpornosti beguncev in procesa integracije v sodelovanju z osebnostnimi lastnostmi anketiranih. Spoznala sem tudi druge strategije odpornosti beguncev, ki so sodelovali v raziskavi.

Keywords:begunci, psihična odpornost, travma, duševno zdravje, PTSM, Italija, srednje sredozemska pot, integracija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Hodžić]
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146939 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:163859203 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.06.2023
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Secondary language

Title:Psychological resilience of refugees on the Central Mediterranean route
Refugees coming to Europe face many problems in addition to the traumatic events they experienced in their country of origin. Thus, their lives and health are often at risk during the migration. The Central Mediterranean route is one of the most dangerous sea routes to Europe. It stretches from sub-Saharan Africa to Italy. In very poor conditions, the refugee journey sometimes lasts more than a year and is accompanied by hunger, violence and deception by smugglers, the local population and the authorities, who lock them up in prisons or use them for forced labor. Those who survive the journey face new problems upon arrival in Europe. Fear of being sent back, racism and complicated procedures for obtaining documents are just some of the problems they face upon arrival. Even after several years of living in a European country, they still face racism when looking for a job, an apartment or when trying to show their talents and fulfill their full potential. Despite facing potentially traumatic events on a daily basis, many refugees show signs of high psychological resilience. In this master's thesis, I use the Connor-Davidson scale of resilience to measure the level of resilience of individuals and complemented by semi-structured interviews, determine which factors influence the strengthening of their resilience and investigate the influence of integration and religion. In the theoretical part of my master's thesis, I talk about the mental health of refugees, trauma and PTSD. In the following, I define resilience and list different opinions and theories about it, focusing on previous research on refugee resilience. In the empirical part, I present the findings of qualitative and quantitative research, namely the Connor-Davidson scale of resilience and semi-structured interviews, which I conducted with nine participants in Sicily, who came to Europe from Africa via the Central Mediterranean route. The findings of the research show the importance of religion as a factor in the resilience of refugees and the process of integration in cooperation with the personality characteristics of the interviewees. I also learned about other resilience strategies of the refugees who participated in the research.

Keywords:refugees, psychological resilience, trauma, mental health, PTSD, Italy, central Mediterranean route, integration

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