
Avtomobilistična pobarvanka Pobrumvanka
ID Selič, Urban (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom »Avtomobilistična pobarvanka Pobrumvanka« predstavlja informativno pobarvanko za otroke in odrasle. Ta se osredotoča na avtomobile, ki so pustili močan pečat na naši zgodovini in dirkaški spekter avtomobilizma. Namen naloge je bil ustvariti izdelek, ki bi pri otrocih spodbujal zanimanje za avtomobile in učenje o le-teh. V teoretičnem delu smo opisali vrste pobarvank in medije za njihovo izdelavo ter prilagoditev oblikovanja za otroke. Prav tako smo se posvetili ključnim dejavnikom pri oblikovanju in izdelavi tiskovin. V eksperimentalnem delu smo s pomočjo grafične ankete določili primerno starostno skupino otrok in analizirali različne lastnosti pobarvank na trgu. Izbrali smo 20 avtomobilov za vključitev v pobarvanko, ob upoštevanju različnih dejavnikov, kot so zgodovinski pomen, tehnološka inovativnost, uspešnost na tekmovanjih in priljubljenost. Predmet analize je bila tudi forma ali medij. Glede na izbrano je bila narejena še raziskava, na podlagi katere je bil izbran primeren material za izdelavo pobarvanke. Kot rezultat dela smo izoblikovali celosten izdelek, primeren za lansiranje na trg. S tem smo izpolnili tudi cilj diplomske naloge, ki je bil zagotoviti otrokom zabaven in privlačen način spoznavanja avtomobilov ter spodbuditi njihovo radovednost in učenje.

Keywords:avtomobilistična informativna pobarvanka, oblikovanje pobarvanke, izdelava pobarvanke, otrokom prilagojeno oblikovanje, analiza uporabniške izkušnje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-146882 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.06.2023
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Title:Automotive coloring book Pobrumvanka
The diploma thesis entitled »Car coloring book Pobrumvanka« presents an informative coloring book for children and adults, which focuses on cars that have left a strong mark on our history and the racing spectrum of motoring. The purpose of the task was to create a product that encourage the interest of cars and learning about them in children. In the theoretical part, we described the types of coloring books and the media for their production, as well as the adaptation of the design for children. We also focused on the key factors in the design and production of printed materials. In the experimental part, we determined the appropriate age group of children with the help of a graphic survey and analyzed the various characteristics of coloring books on the market. We selected 20 cars for inclusion in the coloring book, taking into account various factors such as historical significance, technological innovation, competition performance and popularity. The subject of analysis was also form or medium. Based on what was chosen, research was also done on the basis of which a suitable material was selected for the production of the coloring book. As a result of the work, we created an integrated product suitable for launching on the market. With this, we also fulfilled the goal of the diploma thesis, which was to provide children with a fun and attractive way to learn about cars and to stimulate their curiosity and learning.

Keywords:Automotive informational coloring book, coloring book design, coloring book creation, children-friendly design, user experience analysis

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