Nature offers children endless opportunities to discover new knowledge. From birth onwards they love to explore, observe and actively participate.
In my diploma thesis I focused on how children observe nature. I was interested in what they notice, what catches their attention and how they describe it. Koseški bajer is located in the immediate vicinity of our kindergarten.
The research took place from January to August. We visited the pond once every month, except in the summer months. I was interested in what the children notice by themselves and what else they notice after my encouragement.
At each visit I took pictures with a camera and also recorded the children's statements. I kept writing an observation diary and at the end made a qualitative analysis. It turned out that children consciously notice the changes in nature during the seasons. For example, we watched swans nesting, and in the next visit, young swans had already hatched from the eggs. At the last visit however, they had already grown a lot and differed only slightly from their parents.